Kościół katedralny – centrum liturgii diecezjalnej
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Tytuł tomu
Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”
The life of first Christians was focused around a bishop service. He celebrated the Mass, managed the preparation to receiving the sacraments and he administered them in proper time. The church of bishop was the centre of teaching the faithful. This place was a cathedral – decorative chair in apse of chancel, where the bishop sat and spoke from. Because of its role, this church was called the mother of all churches in a diocese and because of teaching was called a cathedral. In archdiocese it was called an archicathedral. The Holy Family of the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph archicathedral basilica in Często chowa is one of the biggest churches in Poland and the beginnings of its building date back to the last decade of the 19th century. From the moment of creating new church administration and establishing the diocese of Częstochowa in 1925 this church was intended for cathedral and was cared about by later bishops. There are the main ceremonies of liturgical year, priests of all ranks take the holy orders. The most significant is the liturgy of Paschal Triduum, when the priestly vows are renewed and oils are blessed and next taken to the all diocese churches and used during the administration of all holy sacraments and on Holy Saturday adults are baptized. The interesting elements of equipment are: a chancel, can on stalls, a silver chapel of the sacred Heart of Jesus, a copper chapel of the Virgin Mary, mosaic tabernacle in the main alter and on the front walls of the Holly Cross and Christ Patocrator in the necropolis of the departed bishops of Częstochowa and epitaphs on walls expressing the appreciation for the service three departed ordinaries. The archicathedral is the place of numerous both diocesan and all-Poland events. The pulpit on the first pillar, the balustrades of side alters and the stoups in porch made from red granite former base of Alexander the Second monument from the Jasna Góra square are significant.
Słowa kluczowe
liturgia, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, katedra, matka kościołów, wyposażenie, Triduum Paschalne, statio wydarzeń religijnych, nekropolia biskupów, celebracje sakramentów, sakramenty, diecezje, liturgy, bishops, clergy, priesthood, cathedral, mother of churches, kościoły, churches, equipment, Paschal Triduum, place of religious events, necropolis of bishops, celebration of sacraments, sacraments, dioceses, Częstochowa, celebracja, celebration
Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4, s. 233-265.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland