Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4

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    Obraz Samarytan w okresie rzymskim i ich relacje ze wspólnotą żydowską w świetle dzieł Józefa Flawiusza
    Bednarski, Marek (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The focus of this paper will be on the Samaritans and the Jews in mutual relation during the Roman Period. Using the works of Josephus Flavius we want to show a changes in the image of the Samaritans in relation to the time before Christian era and to the time of the Roman Period. In the first part we want to analyze the terminology, particularly the distinction between Samaritans and Samarians. In the second part we make the detailed analysis of the texts: Scatter Human Bones in the Temple Area (Ant. 18, 29-30), Massacre of Σαμαρεῖς on Mt Gerizim and Pontius Pilate (Ant. 18, 85-89), Samaritans and Galileans (War 2, 232-246 and Ant. 20, 118-136).
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    Teologiczno-prawne rozumienie małżeństwa w Kościele Ewangelicko-Metodystycznym w Polsce
    Burgiel, Henryk (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The basic unit of social life is undoubtedly a family which cannot exist without marriage. It is the foundation. It is worth to have a look at beliefs and laws of different communities who are interested in the institution of marriage and family. This is particularly important in times of questioning the fundamental values and truths, including those concerning marriage and family. The subject of this article is the meaning of marriage in the Evangelical-Methodist Church in Poland. Because of the fundamental importance of the stability of marriage for social and religious life, the Church has established the appropriate legal standards and keeps them to protect the institution of marriage against divorces and family breakdowns. This applies not only to the Catholic Church, but also to other churches and religious communities (including Methodists), and even to the state and secular law (since the nineteenth century). Especially the latter however, in some cases, allows the possibility of divorce. In the course of discussion on the theology and law of marriage in the Evangelical-Methodist Church which refers to the heritage of the reformation, first we can note that marriage is deeply rooted in human nature as an unbreakable union between man and woman. Analyzing the biblical texts we can discover and better understand the order established by God at the time of creation of man in the image and likeness of God. The appeal to Divine Revelation is particularly valuable and important for the churches and religious communities which grew on the basis of the sixteenth century reformation. It has a crucial influence on the theological views on marriage and translates to legal understanding of marriage, and therefore to the implementation of God’s plan towards marriage in the lives of individuals and communities. Despite the significant differences in views on marriage between Evangelical-Methodist Church and Roman Catholic Church it is worth to present and analyze the Methodists’ views of the marriage. They reveal the intrinsic value of marriage, confirm the importance of the indissolubility of marriage and treat the divorce as a “necessary evil”, the exception to the rule. Finally, we can thus note that not only the Roman Catholic Church recognizes the profound role of marriage and family for the life of his own community, society and the individual. Also the Evangelical-Methodist Church is one of the religious communities, which sees marriage as a community of man and woman, through which man realizes one’s life and shapes the fullness of humanity in oneself. It is worth reminding, especially at times of ideological pluralism and times of trying to blight and deny the vocation for married life, flowing from the nature of man – the community of the whole life of man and woman.
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    Formacja pastoralna alumnów Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej w latach 1991 – 2013
    Ceglarek, Roman (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    In the light of the church documents which are currently in force, formation of the future ministers should take place on various grounds all the time of the seminar life and aim at this so that they become true ministers according to the example of Jesus Christ, the Teacher, the Priest and the Shepherd. These assignments were taken up in Częstochowa Archdiocesean High Seminary and realized, to smaller or larger extent, in the years 1991 – 2013. Since the educators cared about to prepare seminarists in the best possible way for the pastoral work according to the message of the church documents as well as taking into account the social and cultural circumstances of Częstochowa Archdiocese. They took up the efforts to shape the true ministers out of them. One should hope that this pastoral formation will contribute to the effective proclamation of the Gospel to those to whom the seminarists will be sent as well as to holding different forms of worship with faith and love. It will also prepare the seminarists to become the spiritual leaders’ and shepherds’ for the people entrusted them.
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    Miejsce Pisma Świętego wśród komplementarnych źródeł katechezy
    Długosz, Antoni (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The Holy Bible and the Tradition of the Church constitute the basic source of the catechism prediction. They should not be treated as the only base for the catechetical formation. The relation to the Holy Bible, the experiences of the catechized life situation and its role and place are not definitively established yet, as is still a discourse that tries to determine the optimum standards. The life and teaching of the Church, as well as the liturgy and the existential experience is a complementary source of catechetical formation, existing by itself and actually contributing to the formation of religious personalities. It is advantageous and desirable to plan catechetical units so they refer to content in the current period of the liturgical year.
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    Parafia w kościele partykularnym. Aspekt kanoniczno-pastoralny
    Duda, Marian (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The particular Church is natural spectrum of parish life and mission. Parishes are some kind of diocese space, especially material and the net of diocese community, the basic link of its everyday life. They are local, the closest to the faithful fulfilling the secret of particular Church. That is the cause of reflection on relation between a parish and a diocese which is something basic and crucial. This relation accomplishes in three basic dimensions, which are described in this article: relation in the communion particular Church to realizing communion of parish Church; personal relation connected with hierarchical order of Church, which is between a diocese bishop and a parish priest; relation in mission, close connection with basic and crucial mission of diocese – evangelization with parish mission which is exactly realized by. In this way we can see in full light the relevance and necessity in fulfilling the Church nature as the Secret of Missionary Communion.
  • Miniatura
    400-lecie klasztoru Sióstr Bernardynek na ziemi wieluńskiej, red. Jan Książek – Tadeusz Olejnik, Muzeum Ziemi Wieluńskiej, Wieluń 2013, ss. 272.
    Zabraniak, Sławomir (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
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    Z dziejów miejscowości i parafii Gaszyn
    Zabraniak, Sławomir (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    In the Middle Ages there were a lot places near Wieluń, which have been existing to the present times. Gaszyn was one of them and it was mentioned in documents the first time in 1323. At first in the past this village was owned by the nobility and since the half of the 18th century its parts have come to the order of the Observants in Wielun. In the times of annexations this Observants’ property was impounded. At first there was a chapel in Gaszyn and later a church was built in the end of the 16th century. It has weathered till today in spite of many renovations. To 1987 priests from Wieluń parish, which Gaszyn belonged to, celebrated services there. In 17th and 18th, they were even called the parish administrators in Gaszyn and Dąbrowa. The parish in Gaszyn was established on May 6th 1987 and its first parish priest was rev. fr. Janusz Grela. The parish covers only Gaszyn itself where the number of parishioners is decreasing. 900 people lived here in 1987 and in 2014 there were only 780 residents. However, these people are lively parish community taking various pastoral initiatives. For last years they have been trying to build new presbytery and restore historic church.
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    Charakterystyka strukturalna kadr duchowieństwa diecezji częstochowskiej w latach 1925 – 1939
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The directions of functioning established in 1925 diocese of Częstochowa were determined by the action of local clergy. In all diocesan society the clergy was a separated group, outwardly distinguished by its lifestyle, clothing and pastoral service. Until the outbreak of Second World War there were 473 priests acting in this diocese. Straight majority of them came from the parent dioceses which made up the diocese of Częstochowa (257 priests). After some time Bishop Teodor Kubina enrolled by incardination another priests from other Polish dioceses and religious congregations (38 priests). The last inflow of clergymen took place when diocesan of Częstochowa ordained 178 new priests. The pastoral activity was influenced by the age of local clergymen. It is significant that 82% of all priests were under sixty. It should be underlined that among priest ordained by diocesan of Częstochowa there were some priests from the area of Częstochowa diocese (60%) and some from other parts of country (40%). From research point of view it was difficult to determine the social background of these people. Only the social background of 50% of priest ordained by Bishop Teodor Kubina is known. 18.7 % of them came from peasant class background. The rest were from working class (9.3%), craftsmen families (9.3%), the intelligentsia (3.8%), office workers families (3.8%), so called church services (3.8%) and the traders (0.9%). The character of pastoral activity (473 priests) was mainly determined by the range of diocese duties and their interests. In the first case it was connected with belonging to particular function groups (curia workers, seminary supervisors, church institution guardians, curates, catechists, chaplains and pensioners), the second one referred to the membership of contemporary priest organisations ( The Diocesan Association of Catechists, Missionary Association of Clergymen, The Asso ciation of Priest Self-Help, The Apostolic Union of Secular Priests, The Priest Association of the Holy Sacrament Adoration, The Association of Seminary Graduates). This kind of pastoral action was both integration and formation factor of priesthood.
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    Formacja seminarzystów wobec wyzwań współczesnego świata
    Selejdak, Ryszard (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    Today, the performance of pastoral service by the priest is not easy. There are many reasons this situation exists. Among those which are most influential are: secularization, hedonism, moral relativism, individualism, the complicated socio-political situation, and subjectivism in faith. Thus, it happens that the priest, discouraged by the failures in his service, betimes undertakes the dramatic decision to abandon the priesthood. In this atmosphere, assuring suitable formation for future priests, dedicated to the fruitful carrying out of the mission of Jesus the Good Shepherd to the contemporary world, becomes one of the most important tasks of the Church. This must be based upon the concept of a priestly identity fully in conformity with the Ecclesiastical Magisterium, which embraces four fundamental dimensions: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. Another issue of great importance is the careful verification of the suitability of the candidate for Orders, both at the time of their first admission to seminary as well as at the occasion of their promotion to Holy Orders.
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    Listy pasterskie pierwszego biskupa częstochowskiego dr. Teodora Kubiny
    Związek, Jan (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The first bishop of diocese of Częstochowa, dr Teodor Kubina organised in 1926-1951 from scratch new-established diocese. The results of his work were the determining directions of pastoral action and establishing new diocesan institutions. He was the author of numerous treatises on current religious-social problems, mainly on the matter of workers and Catholic Action. The special place in his action was taken by the Shrine of Our Lady on Jasna Góra. As the representative of Polish Episcopal Conference and The Polish Government he took parts in international Eucharistic congresses and visited Polonia. He took care of seasonal workers from diocese of Częstochowa. Kubina encouraged both seasonal workers and emigrants to the faithfulness to the Catholic faith and Polish national traditions. The most important his task was the providing of proper care for the faithful in the diocese. Here the significant role played the pastoral letters directed both to the priests and the faithful. He released 73 pastoral letters including appeals, speeches and proclamations. The bishop called on the diocese residents on religious eagerness, faithfulness to the Catholic Church and national traditions. During the German occupation the bishop directed pastoral letters to divided by Germans diocese of Częstochowa and in this way organized the religious life in all diocese and managed it. There are religious matters against a background of social life of diocese residents presented in his pastoral letters. Because of this fact, they are valuable historical source in conducting the research on the history of diocese in the time of bishop Teodor Kubina’s activity.
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    Alcuni aspetti dell’esegesi del personaggio di Melchisedek negli scritti di Giustino
    Laskowski, Łukasz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    This paper contains the review of the traditions connected with Melchisedek in literature of St. Justin Martyr. This reference could be seen in the Christian apologetic literature as the element of polemics with the Jews and Judaism. St. Justin Martyr underlined Christological aspects of Melchisedek’s typology. He used this typology as a symbol of perfect priesthood. According to Justin, Melchisedek was uncircumcised, but represented service which was pleasant to God and held outside of Israel. The Malchizedek’s priesthood is older than the covenant with Abraham. Melchizedek, as a symbol of Christ, blessed Abraham – the father of Israel. The second motif is a Jewish exegesis which has showed Melchisedek as the prophecy of king Ezechias. St. Justin Martyr conducted polemics with this interpretation. He claimed that Christ was the king and fulfilled the biblical prophecies. The third motif has presented Melchisedek as the light of Jerusalem connected with the covenant between God, the humankind and Israel. Christ is the perfect priest and the eternal light. These aspects are interpreted eschatologically. This exegesis is a form of Jewish Midrashim.
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    „Jednakowe słowo” dla chrześcijan i muzułmanów
    Modras, Krzysztof (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    Religious pluralism creates relationships with God and socio-cultural ties specific to any religion. Despite the complexity of these relationships, religions seek a common ground. It cannot be the irrefutable theological basis or a recognizing the own religion as the surest path to God and salvation, but common values, such as moral values, social justice, peace, human dignity and common prayer. Among these values, Islam proposes as the basis for agreement, „A Common Word” between Christians and Muslims, which is the love of the One God and the love of the neighbor. Another common value is the wisdom of God, who reveals Himself to man, through various forms of „incarnation”: word, book, law, or even the body. Man has always searched for a way to un derstand as fully as possible the Word of God and to have access to the unfathomable treasures of divine wisdom. The best way to understand the nature of God does not seem to be intellectual cognitive abilities of man, but the way of love.
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    Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej oraz Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
    Olczyk, Arkadiusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    The natural background of scientific research for every university is a library. The history of the library of the Higher Divine Seminary of Częstochowa Archdiocese and for the Higher Theological Institute in Częstochowa is 85 years old. Its beginnings reach to the year 1930 when the Seminary of Częstochowa had its place in Cracow in Bernardyńska Street number 3. During the Second World War the Seminary had to be moved out 5 times, so that the book collection of the library had to be moved out, too. Then many of the precious books had gone. After the war in the book collection there were 3,500 of books. After the transferring of the Seminary to Częstochowa in 1991 (in 41 Santa Barbara Street) the books collection was also transferred. Now, in the library there are over 111 000 of books and they serve seminarians, students of the Theological Institute as well as readers from Częstochowa and all over Poland. From 2007 fr. dr hab. Arkadiusz Olczyk is its manager.
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    Ks. Stanisław Gancarek, O przysiędze małżeńskiej, Wydawnictwo „Regina Poloniae”, Częstochowa 2015, ss. 11.
    Olczyk, Arkadiusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
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    Wartości w biznesie, red. P. Mrzygłód – G. Sokołowski, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny, Wrocław 2014, ss. 183.
    Olczyk, Arkadiusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
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    Struktura osobowego bytu ludzkiego w pismach Edyty Stein
    Orzechowski, Wojciech (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    According to Edith Stein the human being consists of a body, a soul and a spirit. Although the soul is something immaterial, it is a “space” which consists of various layers. The body is the most external layer of the soul, which enables the soul to-be-in-the-world. The most internal layer of the soul is the spirit. The layers of the soul are given to us in experience, for example the decision about our vocation comes from a deeper part of the soul than a decision about going for a walk. We can also see it when a stimulus acts on us: our reaction can be either determined by a stimulus or a stimulus can only have a soft impact on us, or even our reaction can be considered completely. It depends on which layer of the soul my personal self lives. E. Stein distinguishes the pure self, the personal self and the substantial self. The pure self is the center of our cognition. It is a “point” in a “space” which my soul is. The basis for the distinction between the pure self and the personal self is the fact that I can be conscious of my heartbeat, regardless of my will, my heart beats and I am not able to decide about the speed of its beating, as I am able to decide about moving my hand. The substantial self is present in every dimension of my human being, it gives the whole human being the existence. And that is the difference which lets E. Stein to distinguish between the pure self and the substantial self. The center of the substantial self is a human spirit and this is also the natural place for the pure and personal self, but as a result of some kind of breakdown in the human being, the pure self and the personal self are not present there, but in shallower layers of the soul.
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    Działalność dobroczynna na terenie diecezji częstochowskiej w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
    Pabich, Marek (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)
    This article is dedicated to various ways of charitable activity performed by the Catholic Church in the diocese of Częstochowa in the interwar period. It covers the period from the setting-up the diocese of Częstochowa till the beginning of the II World War (1925-1939). During the first years of the diocese’s existence Church’s charitable activity was performed as part of associations, institutions and charity foundations, male and female orders, parish care work, as well as the ad hoc charitable actions. In order to better coordination of charitable activity in the area of the diocese, its first ordinary bishop Teodor Kubina established the Union of Care Institutions and Charity Associations „Caritas” on 10th January 1931. Its basic forms of activity were: running kitchens offering free meals, heading up orphanages and nurseries, organizing summer camps for children from the poorest families, sobriety actions, helping numerous families, street collections, Mercy Weeks, running shelters and old people’s homes.
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  • Miniatura
    Kalendarium życia bp. Teodora Kubiny. Podróż do Ameryki Północnej (03.06.1926 – 05.10.1926)
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)