Rola Maryi w duchowym życiu Kościoła w ujęciu Wilfreda Le Sage’a




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


This article concerns the vision of meditation contained in “Vision of Renewal. An Aggiornamento” by Wilfred Le Sage SJ. In the spirit of post-Vaticanum II mariology the author tries to combine intelectual elements with emotional ones in order to show the life of Our Lady as a pattern of Christian life. She is depicted from the wide theological perspective as a Virgin and as a Mother of God who by her part in mission of her Son is also a Mother of the Church. Her sufferings represented as an especially significant aspect of her vocation express the degree of her love developed in all her life. Thanks to the exceptional grace the Mother of God, called “the Woman”, suffered more then all the martyrs and therefore she can be a helper of the regulars also on the way of mistical experience. With a reference to an everyday Christian life the riches of Mary’s soul is the conspicuous sign how the God’s plan is to be fulfilled. Being a student of Jesus she is a teacher of believers and an exemplar of humility and silence directed to God right up to contemplation. The Le Sage’s presentation characterised by the maturity of analysis and conclusions makes the interesting achievment in the process of catholic theological reflection salient for prayer and activity.


Słowa kluczowe

Maryja, Kościół, mariologia, życie duchowe, Wilfred Le Sage, rola Maryi, tajemnice wiary, Vision of Renewal. An Aggiornamento, zbawienie, dziewictwo Maryi, macierzyństwo Maryi, dogmaty, Mary, Church, Mariology, spiritual life, role of Mary, mysteries of faith, salvation, Mary's virginity, Mary's motherhood, dogmas, macierzyństwo, dziewictwo, teologia, theology, motherhood, virginity


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2008, t. 40, s. 115-137.


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