Analecta Cracoviensia, 2008, T. 40

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    Najazdy wikingów a kryzys Kościoła anglosaskiego w IX wieku. Zarys problemu
    Zinkiewicz, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The end of the 7th and the first half of the 8th century was a time of flowering and relatively greateness of anglo-saxon Church. Nonetheless some prominent ecclesiastics (Bede Venerable for example) caught sight of the crisis symptoms. Any attempts of more or less general reforms of the Church, which had place since the Clofesho Council (747), had been unsuccessful. Political disruption and frictions between rulers and bishops made impossible any real and constant changes. Secularised minsters were too serious sources of mundane profits for their lay masters, and that’s why they didn’t want to leave the control of this issue to the clergymen. It caused fall of discipline, morality and intelectual quality of minsters. The end of the 8th and the beginning of the 9th centuries gave another examples of unsuccessful attempts to reform the basic problems of anglo-saxon Church in the time of political confusion. There also appeared another factor, which soon radically influenced political, social, cultural and ecclesiastical situation of anglo-saxon kingdoms. Since the end of the 8th century the Viking raids era had begun. The viking menace didn’t seem very considerable at first, it happended after some time when started to be regular. In the first half of the 9th century there existed some ecclesiastical centres, still giving an example of greateness, which could have been the source of potential reform. But to do this, a social and political peace was needed, and also cooperation of two powers: lay and spiritual. An attempts of the Church reforms (or rather – minsters), initiated by archibishop Wulfred, failed, and the next had place during the reign of Alfred the Great. In the meantime the viking menace grew up. The vikings caused very serious impoverishment of the Church in Britain, and also shaked its structures. They caused a great material losses but did not start ecclesiastical crisis; a symptoms of this crisis had been seen long before the Vikings, as a result of gradual fall and because of unrealized changes suggested since the times of Bede, and especially since the Clofesho Council in 747. In this circumstances, in the moment of the highest exterior menace, there couldn’t have been a place for any contentions, and Alfred the Great kept in his hands an initiative of the general renewal and reforms, also by means of foreign clergy.
  • Miniatura
    Dzieje odnalezienia drzewa Krzyża świętego. Ustalenia i wątpliwości historyczne
    Wróblewski, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    True Cross started again. S. Heid, S. Borgehammar i J. W. Drijvers presented different reconstructions of beginnings of Inventio crucis. Heid maintained that the Holy Wood was not found, Borgehammar wrote that this event really had place and that Helena discovered the lignum crucis. Drijvers argues with Borgehammar about finding the trophy but he thinks that Helena did not participate in that event. Recently in polish publications about relics and True Cross the Borgehammar’s thesis was accepted without any analysis of the ancient texts and without discussion about the state of research. In this paper author investigates the Greek, Latin (and translations of Syriac) texts, evaluates the veracity of the legend and comments all thesis, which have been already published. A literary analysis shows that Helena was not connected with the discovery of the Holy Wood, she was not in Jerusalem at the time the Christ’s tomb was found and the construction of the Church of Holy Sepulchre started – only in this time the lignum crucis may have been discovered. Building work in Jerusalem started before she went on her pilgrimage to Palestine. Inventio Crucis was evidently later construct. Moreover there is no proof that the discovery indeed had place. The earliest sources do not mention it and we know nothing about place where Cross may have been found. On the other hand it is also possible that some chunks of wood were discovered during the buildings work in Jerusalem, and later (rather not immediately) these pieces were claimed to be the fragments of the True Cross. Lignum crucis was undoubtedly venerated in the end of the fourth century in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The legend could explained the presence of the relics of the Cross (which soon became a favourite goal of pilgrimage) foremost in Jerusalem and gave a reason for presence of fractions of the trophy in other places. It is also probable that Cyril of Jerusalem initiated writing the story and used it for his own purposes. We cannot definitely determine that “finding” of the Cross was a real event or not but we can prove that Helena did not discover the Holy Wood.
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    Schyłek kanonii akademickich w krakowskiej Kapitule katedralnej?
    Urban, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The Jagiellonian restoration of the University of Cracow, founded in 1364, took place in 1400. Besides the legacy of Queen Hedwig and King Władysław Jagiełło, Piotr Wysz, the Bishop of Cracow, donated to the University two canonries in the Wawel Cathedral Chapter. Since then, the University nominated candidates to these offices thus providing them with the necessary financial support. They were called the academic canonries and the designated professors – the academic canons. Even during the time when the nobility usurped the exclusive right to nominate canons, two seats in the Chapter were always reserved for the University. The Senate of the University presented the candidates to the canonries for more than 500 years. The article deals with the academic canonries after 1945, especially in the time of the communist regime. The Senate of the Jagiellonian University exercised its law to nominate the canons for the last time in 1951. In 1954, the communist authorities removed the 550 years old Department of Theology from the University. The Author discusses the initiatives, in particular those of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, aiming to maintain the principle that the Department of Theology be represented in the Cathedral Chapter by two of its professors.
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    Między egzystencjalizmem a myślą chrześcijańską. Martin Heidegger w myśli Hansa Ursa von Balthasara
    Urban, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
  • Miniatura
    The Silver Jubilee and Waiting for a Change in Status. The 610th an 611th Academic Years at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Krakow
    Szczurek, Jan Daniel (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
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    Teologia come scienza e il suo significato per la società
    Szczurek, Jan Daniel (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Celem artykułu jest przypomnienie, że teologia jest nauką. Jest nią, ponieważ posiada zasadnicze cechy właściwe każdej nauce, a przede wszystkim: istnienie aksjomatów i zasad, odpowiednią metodę, racjonalność, pewność zdobytej wiedzy, jej użyteczność. Teologia posiada swoje aksjomaty, które lapidarnie sformułował H. U. von Balthasar: Bóg-Absolut istnieje, Bóg objawił się człowiekowi, pełnią objawienia jest Jezus Chrystus. Teologia posiada także swoje zasady, do których można zaliczyć: lex orandi – lex credendi (modlitwa wyraża wiarę, wiara kształtuje modlitwę), Deus semper maior (Bóg [jako misterium] zawsze większy od tego, co człowiek może o Nim powiedzieć), odpowiedzialność (teologia jest odpowiedzialną mową o Bogu [verantwortete Rede von Gott]). Teologia posługuje się ogólną metodologią nauk. Ze względu na swą specyfikę posiada także własną szczegółową metodę, którą ogólnie nazywamy metodą teologiczną pozwalającą m in. odróżnić to, co jest objawione od tego, co takim nie jest. Elementami tej metody są: auitus fidei (odpowiednik doświadczenia w naukach przyrodniczych), intellectus fidei (odpowiednik systematycznej wiedzy o przedmiocie danej dziedziny wiedzy w innych naukach), speculatio (odpowiednik teorii i hipotez w innych naukach). Naukowość teologii wynika z jej racjonalności. Jej najgłębszą podstawą jest wcielenie się Logosu. Jest wewnętrznie niesprzecznym zbiorem twierdzeń, wzajemnie ze sobą powiązanych. Oznacza to, że jej twierdzenia podlegają zasadom logiki formalnej. Teologia daje wiedzę pewną. Źródłem jej pewności jest nieomylność Boga (por. Tt 1, 2; Hbr 6, 18). Najwyższy stopień pewności posiadają dogmaty wiary. W wyniku rozwoju dogmatu, a także teologii, stopień pewności twierdzeń teologicznych ulega zmianie. Niestety, teologia współczesna unika określania pewności teologicznej swych twierdzeń, co osłabia jej naukowy charakter. Teologia jest użyteczna, analogicznie do użyteczności innych nauk. Teologia jako nauka służy prawdzie (także w sensie Arystotelesowskiej theoriä), poznając ją u samego źródła (objawiającego Boga), a dzięki temu pozwala także przekształcać rzeczywistość (w sensie techne), przede wszystkim samego człowieka. Poszczególne dyscypliny teologiczne mogą mieć bardziej „teoretyczny” albo „techniczny” (praktyczny) charakter, np. teologia dogmatyczna – bardziej teoretyczny, teologia moralna (z teologią duchowości) – bardziej praktyczny. Najbardziej praktyczne znaczenie ma – jak się wydaje – odpowiedź na pytanie o sens ludzkiego istnienia i o wartość osoby.
  • Miniatura
    Upowszechnianie się polskiej etnicznej kultury muzycznej na Litwie w XVI-XX wieku
    Apanavičius, Romualdas; Motuzas, Alfonsos (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Influence of Polish ethnic musical culture in Lithuania is evident mainly in usage of European musical instruments and of folk dances repertoire as well in the religious ethnic music. European musical instruments were spread in Lithuania at the beginning of 16th – 17th cc. These instruments were adopted by Lithuanians from Poland or from Western Byelorussia, where the Catholic Church and strong traditions of Polish culture were prevailing. European folk dances were performed by the Lithuanians at the beginning of 18th – 19th cc., and the main part of these dances was spread to Lithuania from Poland. Noticeable part of folk dances repertoire consists of Polish dances. These new dances were lead by the music of the European instruments; it was the noticeable innovation, because until this period, Lithuanian games and round games, as well as in all the other nations of Europe, were performed by singing. We can notice less Polish influence in Lithuanian ethnic songs, while researching monody of Lithuanians and Poles is evident, that songs of this style of ethnic music of both nations were spread from Great Poland to Southern and Middle Lithuania, most probably, marking the common area of former culture of ethnic music. The roots of this former culture could reach the pre – historical times. Polish influence is evident in the traditions of co – called “literary” songs, which were popular in 19th – beginning of 20th cc., and in the repertoire of latest centuries of ethnic musical instruments. The ethnic music from Poland of the Additional service in Lithuania: devotions and songs of Advent Little hours of St. Mary the Virgin, devotions and songs of Mournful Whining and devotion and songs of the Žemaičių Kalvarija (Samogitia in Latin) – are the reflection of the Polish origin. In Poland and Lithuania from time immemorial on Advent Sundays, as early as before the sunrise, early Mass (Matins) has been held which begins with the words Rorate coeli and therefore it is called Rarotos (in Lithuania). Its origin in Lithuania is linked to Poland. Their basis was The Little hours of St. Mary the Virgin or Godzinki (in Poland). This cult has come to Lithuania from Cracow in the 17th century. The customs of Mournful Whining or Gorzkie Żale (in Poland) prayers and songs is known only in Lithuania and Poland. The liturgy of Rome does not have this customs. The earliest manuscript text of Gorzkie Żale was founded in Poland (Calvaria Zebrzydowska, Warsaw) in 17 century. Having this religious practice originated in Poland, finally is spread in Lithuania as late as mid-19lh century. The devotions and songs of the Žemaičių Kalvarija (Samogitia) are established by the model of Polish Calvaria Zebrzydowska. The cult of Žemaičių Kalvarija was born in 1637. Its religious ethnic music – the analogue Polish religious culture. Roots of the Polish influence arose not only because of the neighbourhood of the both nations, but also because of living in the common state and the same Catholic faith, which was one of the strongest common feature of the ethnic and musical culture of Lithuanians and Poles.
  • Miniatura
    Naturalny język semantyczny jako narzędzie ekskulturacji. Ocena propozycji Anny Wierzbickiej w kontekście postulowanej inkulturacji
    Pindel, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
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    Rola franciszkanów konwentualnych w życiu religijnym Krakowa od XIII do XX wieku
    Piech, Stanisław Ludwik (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
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    “To Paint the World with the Colours of Hope”. Theological reflections
    Panuś, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Żyjemy w świecie fantastycznych odkryć naukowych. Człowiek podejmuje podróże kosmiczne i zgłębia tajniki wszechświata. Zna ludzki genom. Jednakże najdoskonalsze mikroskopy i teleskopy odczytujące tajemnice świata nie odkryją w nim informacji po co żyjemy, dlaczego płaczemy, po co umieramy, jaki jest sens naszego życia. Dzisiaj te pytania są spychane często na obrzeża naszego życia i naszej świadomości. W świecie wykreowanym przez media bardzo rzadko pojawia się odniesienie do Boga. Paradoksalnie nasz wzrok stał się słabszy i krótszy, a nasz horyzont duchowy ograniczył się często jedynie do tego, co widzialne i namacalne. Człowiek współczesny niejednokrotnie nie potrafi wybiegać poza nakreślony mu horyzont, nie potrafi przenikać kolorowej warstwy obrazów i materii. A podstawowe pytania pozostają bez odpowiedzi... Tymczasem to, co jest naprawdę ważne, jest niewidoczne. Trzeba zatem dostrzec Niewidzialnego, sięgnąć do Biblii, żyć prawdą, zrozumieć drugich, mieć radość z czynienia dobra. Kultura chrześcijańska to nie tylko katedry i kantaty Jana Sebastiana Bacha, poezja mistyczna, ikony czy malarstwo sakralne. Istnieje także inspirowany chrześcijaństwem sposób bycia, atmosfera miłości w rodzinie, uśmiech matki, uścisk ojca, rodzinna więź, bezinteresowna pomoc – to ciche i ukryte skarby kultury chrześcijańskiej, z pewnością warte dostojeństwa katedr, piękna płócien Fra Angelico, kantat Jana Sebastiana Bacha. Powyższy wykład został wygłoszony w Liverpool Hope University 28 lutego 2008 roku, na posiedzeniu Hope Theological Society.
  • Miniatura
    Funkcja ekspresywna we współczesnych tekstach homiletycznych
    Ostafiński, Witold (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Preaching scripts, as a peculiar act of interpersonal communication, fulfils cognitive, impressive and prophetical functions. Additionally, they also fulfil an expressive function which reveals the sender’s attitude towards the contents and essence of the message. This allows the sender to manifest their feelings and experiences and express their psychological condition. Emotions play an extraordinarily important role in the process of verbal influence upon the audience. Therefore, the effectiveness of preaching speech depends greatly on emotions. This article is a trial to look at the linguistic means employed in contemporary sermons, thanks to which preachers achieve a high level of expression creating a specific emotional climate. The analysed scripts were drawn from sermons delivered in the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw and broadcast in the Polish Radio. The expressive function in the studied texts reveals itself mainly on lexical and syntactic grounds. Rhetorical figures also play an important part in achieving expressiveness of speech. The process of sermon communication achieves its human dimension thanks to emotional measures.
  • Miniatura
    Wiara Kościoła jako fundament jego jedności i teologii według Josepha Ratzingera
    Morawa, Józef (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
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    Through the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him, with Him and in Him. The Vital Place of Christ in the Christian Spirituality according to St. Paul
    Misztal, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Listy Pawłowe przedstawiają przebogate na miarę Bożą misterium działania Chrystusa i komunii z Nim potrzebujących zbawienia sięgając po określenia, które ukazują dzieje stworzenia-zbawienia i w szczególności życie chrześcijanina jako dokonujące się przez Chrystusa, jako ukierunkowane na coraz pełniejszy związek z Nim, jako komunię z Nim oraz jako stworzenie-zbawienie-życie w Chrystusie. Takie rozumienie dziejów stworzenia-zbawienia i tym samym sytuacji poszczególnego człowieka jest bardzo optymistyczne. Zarazem – czy raczej trzeba tu widzieć jeden z najistotniejszych punktów właściwego św. Pawłowi doświadczeniu Boga, jego realizmu – mamy tutaj do czynienia z duchowością zaangażowania ze strony człowieka: jako koniecznego, jako możliwego dzięki związkom z Chrystusem, które są związkami o charakterze trynitarnym. W ten sposób duchowość Pawłowa jest duchowością komunii z Bogiem, łaski, gdzie człowiek jest w stanie rozwijać się, przyjąć eschatologiczny dar pełni życia.
  • Miniatura
    Psychologiczne aspekty nadziei w encyklice „Spe salvi”
    Makselon, Józef (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Hope has always been a major factor which motivated human behaviour. It signified expectations of something better, which would sometimes guarantee either a profound existential experience, or at least adaptation to the social context. In the name of hope, not only did people undertake expeditions to unknown territories, but they engaged in scientific research too. They did it with the conviction that it would maintain the lives of both individuals and communities, and bring them some meaning. It seems paradoxical that diverse quests for the sources of hope in the contemporary humanities rarely refer to the deep thought of the Church. Therefore, this article attempts to present compatibility between the papal reflections on hope (mostly in Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Spe salvi) and some psychological analyses. To present a multidimensional experience of hope, this article mainly discusses some forms and conditions of hope and focuses on the chances of building it.
  • Miniatura
    Rola Maryi w duchowym życiu Kościoła w ujęciu Wilfreda Le Sage’a
    Godawa, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    This article concerns the vision of meditation contained in “Vision of Renewal. An Aggiornamento” by Wilfred Le Sage SJ. In the spirit of post-Vaticanum II mariology the author tries to combine intelectual elements with emotional ones in order to show the life of Our Lady as a pattern of Christian life. She is depicted from the wide theological perspective as a Virgin and as a Mother of God who by her part in mission of her Son is also a Mother of the Church. Her sufferings represented as an especially significant aspect of her vocation express the degree of her love developed in all her life. Thanks to the exceptional grace the Mother of God, called “the Woman”, suffered more then all the martyrs and therefore she can be a helper of the regulars also on the way of mistical experience. With a reference to an everyday Christian life the riches of Mary’s soul is the conspicuous sign how the God’s plan is to be fulfilled. Being a student of Jesus she is a teacher of believers and an exemplar of humility and silence directed to God right up to contemplation. The Le Sage’s presentation characterised by the maturity of analysis and conclusions makes the interesting achievment in the process of catholic theological reflection salient for prayer and activity.
  • Miniatura
    Barmherzigkeit-Gottes-Frömmigkeit nach der heiligen Faustina Kowalska. Im Kontext der Lehre von Johannes Paul II und Benedikt XVI
    Machniak, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Nabożeństwo do Bożego Miłosierdzia przekazane przez św. Faustynę Kowalską w jej „Dzienniczku” jest mocno osadzone w teologii Miłosierdzia Bożego czasów, w których żyła Mistyczka z Krakowa. Ukazuje ono miłosierdzie jako „największy przymiot Boga”, to znaczy wsobny atrybut Boga, który objawia swoją miłość wobec świata i człowieka jako miłość darmo daną, czyli miłosierdzie. Jan Paweł II podejmując temat miłosierdzia Bożego w encyklice Dives in misericordia, przyjmuje perspektywę historii zbawienia, ukazując bogactwo Bożego Miłosierdzia objawionego na Synaju (Księga Wyjścia), a przede wszystkim w Osobie Jezusa Chrystusa. Kanonizując Siostrę Faustynę (Rzym 2002), stawia nabożeństwo do Bożego Miłosierdzia jako propozycję, przez którą każdy człowiek może otworzyć się na Boga. W 2002 roku podczas pielgrzymki do Ojczyzny Jan Paweł II zawierzył cały świat Bożemu Miłosierdziu. Do nauczania na temat Bożego Miłosierdzia nawiązuje Benedykt XVI, szczególnie w swoich wystąpieniach z okazji Święta Miłosierdzia.
  • Miniatura
    Walka o uznanie cywilne Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego w Krakowie (1971-1989)
    Kubiś, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
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    Instytucjonalna współpraca biskupów w wymiarze ponaddiecezjalnym
    Dyduch, Jan Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The Church’s teaching concerning community between Herself and the College of Bishops, which was considerably broadened by Vatican II, is the foundation of their varied and diversified collaboration. This collaboration also manifests itself in such over diocesan institutions as Episcopal Conferences, regional convocations as well as the structure of the Church metropolis itself. The post-Vatican II legislation has reshaped and ascribed new tasks to all the above mentioned institutions. Owing to that fact they can be an efficient instrument of the over diocesan ministry.
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    Prywatne stowarzyszenia wiernych. Charakterystyka i etapy powstawania
    Kroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The right to association is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. The right has the foundations both in the natural and supernatural dignity of man. No one can unjustly deprive of the right in question neither civil, nor ecclesial authorities. The arouse interest of application and realization the right to association could be seen in Poland in recent years especially after year 1989 when the new law on association was issued and made public life more democrat and liberal. The political changes make possible for Catholics in Poland to put the right to association into action. The paper has the aim to bring closer the associations showing the characteristics of the type of associations and presenting step by step how it comes into being. The intention of the paper is to be of help to the faithful who want to establish association and build communio of the Church by its working. The paper consists of the following parts: the first one presents possible distinctions of associations according to a variety of criteria. The second chapter is a description of private association of faithful. The third one elucidates to stages of its origin until it become a church and civil legal person.
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    Maryja w życiu Kościoła w przepowiadaniu biskupa Karola Wojtyły w 1963 roku
    Dobrzyński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The article “Mary in the life of the Church in bishop Karol Wojtyla’s discourses said in 1963” concerns a special time when the Polish catholic Church was preparing to celebrate the Millennium of Christianity in 1966 and the Second Vatican Council had been held in Rome from 1962 to 1965. Bishop Wojtyla organized the Marian Days in the Archdiocese of Cracow in 1963. It was an opportunity to make deeper and deeper the role of devotion to the Mother of Christ in the spiritual lives of people and in the Church. The originality of the article consists in analyzing pastoral writings, some of which have never been published. Bishop K. Wojtyla’s understanding of the title of Mary as Mother of the Church is rooted in the theology of Redemption and in the theology of divine grace. He underlined that Mary had cooperated closely with his Son in redeeming people, and she has continued to help as Mother of Divine Grace. Bishop Wojtyla was convinced that Mary was the Mother of the Church not only because of being an important role model for people but also because of conserving her specific role in the Redemption. Her role regarding the Church consists in procuring the fruits of Redemption of her Son for all humanity. This is the rison why bishop Wojtyla, during the second session of the Vatican Council, proposed the Marian chapter as the second one of the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church Lumen Gentium. The article is a new contribution to the Mariology of Karol Wojtyla – John Paul II. The traditional devotion to Mary was an important source for the bishop of Cracow. The article shows the pastoral care of bishop Wojtyla in his desire to make the traditional devotion theologically profound. Important to him as well were the anthropological and social aspects of Marian devotion.