Palestyna ‒ ojczyzna proroków. Topografia biblijnych krain geograficznych
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Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
The Land, that Abram got from God after many years of turbulent history, became a place one of its kind because of God’s promises confirmed many times in the next alliances between God and people. And also due to unusual God’s friends - Prophets, who were especially sensitive to God’s appeals. Their mission was to remind about God’s love to a man. Love that is concrete and demanding but always leading to the meeting, which finally fulfilled in Jesus Christ. All these unique people were bom in that special place on the Earth and were the God’s sign against the evil and dishonesty, which can appear in a man’s heart and mind. And al though they were walking on the Palestinian ground in historically different times, each of them was somehow shaped by a diverse beauty and wealth of this Land. The above study shows, in outline, diversity and unique of the topography of the Land considered as holly by the believers of the three great monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which had their beginning from Abraham.
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Słowa kluczowe
Palestyna, prorocy, topografia, biblijne krainy geograficzne, topografia biblijnych krain geograficznych, geografia, geografia biblijna, historia, Edom, Ezdrelon, Jezioro Galilejskie, Gilead, Jordan, topografia Palestyny, równina przybrzeżna, Samaria, Karmel, Szefela Judzka, Ziemia Obiecana, Palestine, prophets, topography, biblical geographical lands, topography of biblical geographical lands, geography, biblical geography, history, Lake of Galilee, Palestine topography, coast al plain, Carmel, lowland Judea, Promised Land, Abraham
Scriptura Sacra, 2013, R. 17, s. 125-143.
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