Misterium jedności Kościoła w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


Christ’s Church has the divine-human nature. John Paul II in his teaching showed the truth about the mystery of the Church which is a reflection of the mystery of the Trinity. Church and its unity has its source and model in the unity of the Persons of the Trinity. Thus, in the Church the community with people and God is carried out through participation in the life of the Trinity. This can be applied to individual persons, stating that the Father is the author of the plan of union with God and with each other. This plan is implemented by the Son of God in the work of redemption of humanity wounded by sin. Mystery of unity is realized by the action of the Holy Spirit, who is the basis for unifying and vivifying community itself. Teaching of John Paul II shows that the unity of the Church is primarily the work and gift of God. This truth, however, motivates the human efforts directed towards achieving the full unity of Christians.


Słowa kluczowe

Kościół, jedność, jedność Kościoła, misterium, nauczanie, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Bóg, Trójca Święta, teologia, teologia trynitarna, modlitwa, Church, unity, teaching, John Paul II, clergy, priesthood, God, Holy Trinity, theology, Trinitarian theology, prayer


Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 29 (73), s. 207-223.


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