Ateizm praktyczny jako wyzwanie dla zbawczej działalności Kościoła




Tytuł czasopisma

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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


Atheism as a practice of life is becoming increasingly popular in modern western societies. A life devoid of reference to religious practices is becoming not so much an element of rebellion against the established religious traditions, but more of a certain obviousness that no one contests. Hence the question arises, how is the Church to function in such an environment and how to preach the Gospel? Pope Francis, and whim him modern theology, is increasingly emphasizing the role of the Church as a servant who, in humility and social engagement and through work of mercy, can preach the Gospel to modern man. The Church should proclaim the Gospel not through speculative theology, but through engagement with the poors and most need.


Słowa kluczowe

atheism, pastoral theology, modernity, charity, ateizm, teologia pastoralna, nowoczesność, służba, teologia, theology, ateizm praktyczny, practical atheism, duszpasterstwo, ministry, niewiara, unbelief, zbawcza działalność Kościoła, salvific activity of the Church


Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 1, s. 71-86.


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