Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 1

Stały URI dla kolekcji


Ostatnie zgłoszenia

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 11 z 11
  • Miniatura
    Orędzie Miłosierdzia Bożego w tradycji starotestamentalnej
    Czaplicka, Ewa (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    The goal of the article was to unveil the mystery of Mercy as revealed in the inspired books of the Old Testament. Bearing in mind that all of Scripture is The Book of Divine Mercy, only selected texts have been presented to discuss various dimensions of this Merciful Love of God. The Holy Books show God as Creator and Savior showing mercy to the world and mankind for each individual human being. The Merciful God, as presented in the article, reveals His attribute in the very first pages of Scripture, while this fundamental truth about Him is developed more fully in the subsequent books.
  • Miniatura
    Wieczysta Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu w parafii pw. NMP Królowej Apostołów w Ełku
    Kowalski, Daniel (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    The aim of the article is to show Eucharistic piety in the parish community and its impact on human life. Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is to lead to a living relationship with Jesus Christ. The Church is built up and, above all, kept alive through the Eucharist. Using the method of the pastoral paradigm, this article will be implemented in three main points: the basics of Eucharistic worship, pastoral practice and postulates that can be used in further pastoral work.
  • Miniatura
    Problem Boga jako kwestia podstawowa w myśli Waltera Kaspera
    Kornek, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    The topic about ‘The Problem of God’ (die Gottesfrage) is one of the most important discussions for contemporary dogmatic theology and theology in general. The thought of Walter Kasper, who this year is celebrating his 90th birthday, is characterised by a creative and open-minded approach to contemporary challenges. This article analyzes Kasper’s reflection on ‘The Problem of God’ based on three monographs of the German cardinal: ‘Jesus der Christius’, ‘Der Gott Jesus Christi’ and ‘Katholische Kirche. Wesen – Wirklichkeit – Sendung’. The first part of the article presents selected topics of Kasperʼs Christology. The next part analyzes the causes of the current crisis of faith in God and the solutions proposed by the German theologian as a response to modern atheism. In the last part, the subject of reflection is the Church, which, according to Kasper, is to effectively make present in history the salvific work of Jesus Christ and be an icon of the Holy Trinity.
  • Miniatura
    Acedia – śmierć duchowa czy szansa na rozwój?
    Tanasiewicz, Monika Danuta (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    This article aims to present the issue of acedia as a spiritual crisis that can lead to spiritual death, or become a path of growth and transformation towards a more conscious living of one's life. The problem of acedia was the first to be studied by the Desert Father Evagrius Ponticus, who today is considered its greatest theorist and became an inspiration for later authors. Today, many works are being written on the subject, in which acedia is discussed both from the side of psychology and Christian austerity. The article examines the complex issue of acedia, its sources, symptoms and remedies to help combat it. This topic is particularly important in these days so marked by sadness and depression, so it is all the more necessary to study this issue in order to bring help to suffering people.
  • Miniatura
    Spiritual Support for Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Catholic Church in Poland
    Pater, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    Spiritual consequences of domestic violence and the possibility of helping its survivors by the Catholic Church differ from the ones provided by the state. The Church sees every human being as a gift of life offered by the Creator. According to His teachings, the purpose of life, the purpose of Christian spirituality, is reaching fullness both temporally and eternally. Therefore, all human experiences – good and bad – have a deep sense and purpose. Violence, which has been with us since the very beginning of humanity, is evil that we have to renounce and atone for; it is a contradiction of love. However, no matter what penalty is administered on a guilty person, God gives a sacrament of confession, which is one of the healing sacraments that open the way to repentance and forgiveness. One has to bear in mind that regardless of its form – physical, psychological, economical, or self-destructing behavior – every act of violence is, for a believer, not only a violation against human norms but also a sin against God’s majesty. Clerics can and should help both victims and perpetrators of violence because they have experience and knowledge of human problems and tragedies; on the one hand, they perform the sacrament of reconciliation, on the other hand, they can work with families struck by violence, supporting them on the way to reconciliation and forgivenes.
  • Miniatura
    Ateizm praktyczny jako wyzwanie dla zbawczej działalności Kościoła
    Siepert, Hubert (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    Atheism as a practice of life is becoming increasingly popular in modern western societies. A life devoid of reference to religious practices is becoming not so much an element of rebellion against the established religious traditions, but more of a certain obviousness that no one contests. Hence the question arises, how is the Church to function in such an environment and how to preach the Gospel? Pope Francis, and whim him modern theology, is increasingly emphasizing the role of the Church as a servant who, in humility and social engagement and through work of mercy, can preach the Gospel to modern man. The Church should proclaim the Gospel not through speculative theology, but through engagement with the poors and most need.
  • Miniatura
    Ks. prof. dr hab. Witold Jemielity (1935-2022)
    Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
  • Miniatura
    Nietuzinkowy człowiek, naukowiec, kapłan… Wspomnienia o śp. ks. prof. dr. hab. Witoldzie Jemielitym
    Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
  • Miniatura
    Kościoły i parafie diecezji ełckiej (cz. 11)
    Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
    The article presents the church centers in Judziki (Apostles Peter and Paul), Kalinowo (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Kaletnik (The Holy Spirit), Kamionki (St. John of Kęty) and Karolin (Holy Family).
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z sympozjum naukowego pt. „Kościół dziś”, WSD w Ełku, 4 marca 2023 r.
    Sieńkowski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie redaktora naczelnego „Studiów Ełckich” bp. dr. Dariusza Zalewskiego za rok 2022
    Zalewski, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)