Biblijne podstawy nauczania o Duchu Świętym w „Katechezach” Cyryla Jerozolimskiego
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Tekst przedłożonego artykułu przedstawia nauczanie Cyryla Jerozolimskiego († 387) na temat Ducha Świętego w ramach jego interpretacji tzw. symbolu wiary stosowanego w Jerozolimie. Będąc autorem 18 katechez wygłoszonych do katechumenów i 5 skierowanych do neofitów, dwie z nich poświęcił przekazaniu nauki o Duchu Świętym. Są nimi Katecheza XVI i Katecheza XVII umieszczone w cyklu nauk katechetycznych przeznaczonych dla katechumenów. Analiza tekstowa tych katechez doprowadziła do wyselekcjonowania kilku aspektów tego nauczania, mającego charakter biblijnego udokumentowania przekazywanych wątków. Na uwagę zasługują kwestie związane z nazwami Ducha Świętego, z istotą trynitarnych relacji oraz Jego naturą i zbawczymi zadaniami. Poszczególne zagadnienia, jak wykazała analiza, ukazują Cyryla jako wytrawnego teologa i katechetę drugiej połowy IV wieku, a więc przez Soborem Konstantynopolitańskim, na którym dopiero została rozstrzygnięta nauka o Duchu Świętym w spisanym tam Credo.
The following article presents the teaching of Cyril of Jerusalem (†387) about the Holy Spirit as part of his interpretation of the so-called symbol of faith used in Jerusalem. Being the author of 18 catecheses delivered to the catechumens, and 5 others addressed to neophytes, he devoted two of them to teachings about the Holy Spirit. These are Catechesis XVI and Catechesis XVII included in the catechetical series for catechumens. Textual analysis of these catecheses led to the selection of several aspects of this teaching, elements linked by Cyril to biblical documentation of the issues conveyed. Noteworthy are fragments related to the names of the Holy Spirit, the essence of Trinitarian relationships, and the nature of His salvific tasks. Individual issues, as shown by the analysis, elucidate Cyril as a conscientious theologian and catechist of the second half of the fourth century. He was thus working before the Council of Constantinople, on which the study of the Holy Spirit as written down in the Credo had just been resolved.
The following article presents the teaching of Cyril of Jerusalem (†387) about the Holy Spirit as part of his interpretation of the so-called symbol of faith used in Jerusalem. Being the author of 18 catecheses delivered to the catechumens, and 5 others addressed to neophytes, he devoted two of them to teachings about the Holy Spirit. These are Catechesis XVI and Catechesis XVII included in the catechetical series for catechumens. Textual analysis of these catecheses led to the selection of several aspects of this teaching, elements linked by Cyril to biblical documentation of the issues conveyed. Noteworthy are fragments related to the names of the Holy Spirit, the essence of Trinitarian relationships, and the nature of His salvific tasks. Individual issues, as shown by the analysis, elucidate Cyril as a conscientious theologian and catechist of the second half of the fourth century. He was thus working before the Council of Constantinople, on which the study of the Holy Spirit as written down in the Credo had just been resolved.
Słowa kluczowe
Cyryl Jerozolimski, symbol wiary, Duch Święty, katechezy katechumenalne, przekaz biblijny, katecheza, symbol, wiara, Katechezy przedchrzcielne i mistagogiczne, biblijne podstawy nauczania o Duchu Świętym, pneumatologia, teologia, Katecheza XVI, Katecheza XVII, doktorzy Kościoła, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Cyril of Jerusalem, symbol of faith, Holy Spirit, catechumenical catecheses, biblical message, catechesis, faith, Pre-baptismal and mystagogical catechesis, biblical basis of teaching about the Holy Spirit, pneumatology, theology, Catechesis XVI, Catechesis XVII, Doctors of the Church, Bible
Verbum Vitae, 2020, T. 37, nr 1, s. 147-171.
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