Duchowość świeckiego apostoła




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


If we understand spirituality as a system of attitudes towards the crucial supernatural and earthly values, then a lay apostle should be characterised by two things. On the one hand, he should consciously join in the life of the Church, and on the other hand, he should be engaged in the secular world so that he could change it in the spirit of the Gospel. Sacrum and profanum should not be seen as opposition. In the view of the latest teachings of the Church, laicity should be recognized as theological sphere, where a Christian can in a conscious and responsible way strive after sanctity and find fulfilment in their personal development. A lay apostle finds many planes on which the sacred and the lay can intermingle and where the line between them is not unjustifiably blurred. These would be, above all, family life, professional career, socio-political life, entertainment, culture, etc. Karl Rahner is right to claim a Christian is and must be an apostle, wherever or whenever, just because he is Christian. On condition, however, that he is characterized by a specific missionary spirit, a concern, that makes him ensure that in the end, all things bring man to God and help him reach a higher level of humanity.


Słowa kluczowe

duchowość, świeccy, laicy, świeckość, apostolstwo, apostolat, świeccy apostołowie, apostolstwo świeckich, spirituality, laypeople, laity, secularity, apostolate, lay apostles, lay apostolate


Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 183-200.


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