Likwidacja salezjańskiej Szkoły Organistowskiej w Przemyślu 2-4 października 1963 roku




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The Salesians, working in Przemyśl since 1907, started to manage vocational Organist School on 1 November, 1916 at the request of the bishop St Józef Sebastian Pelczar. Education in this school lasted four years and included learning general and vocational subjects, as well as receiving some training. Between 1946-1963 302 organists graduated from this school. Boys who were to be educated in the school were recruited from the whole country and the graduates could easily find a job. Salesian Organist School in Przemyśl was suppressed in a beastly way on 2 October 1963, with a frequent contribution of the forces of MO (the Citizens Militia), ZOMO (Motorized Reserves of the Citizens Militia), active members of PZPR (Polish United Workers’ Party) and ZMS (Socialist Youth Union) and some armour-plated vehicles. Financial Department of the State City Council (MRN) took over the whole personal property of the school for the allegedly overdue taxes. Despite many tempting offers only 4 out of 117 students started education in „the new” school.


Słowa kluczowe

Szkoła Organistowska w Przemyślu, salezjanie, likwidacja szkół, szkoły, szkoły salezjańskie, historia, Przemyśl, Organist School in Przemyśl, Salesians, abolition of schools, schools, Salesian schools, history


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 4, s. 21-28.


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