Dziękczynienie za chleb
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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum
Celem niniejszego artykułu było ukazanie potrzeby wdzięczności za chleb. Człowiek nie powinien dziękować tylko z obowiązku, bo tak nakazuje tradycja, ale powinien otworzyć swoje serce na Jezusa, dawcę wszystkich dobrych darów i dać się pochwycić głębokiej wdzięczności. To Bóg ukształtował świat tak, że mamy wszystko. Z Jego łaski oraz z Jego woli ziemia corocznie wydaje plon na pokarm dla naszego ciała. On też daje nam swoje Słowo i mówi „Ja jestem chlebem życia” – społeczność Eucharystii, abyśmy mogli wzrastać w wierze, nadziei i miłości. Tej miłości, która powinna być naszą odpowiedzią na doświadczenie miłości Boga w Jezusie Chrystusie.
The purpose of this article was to show the need of thanksgiving for bread. The human being should not thank only from duty, because this is what the tradition prescribes, but he should open his heart to Jesus, the giver of all good gifts and give to be grasped by deep gratitude. It is God who shaped the world so that we have got everything. Due to His grace and His will, the earth annually gives food for our bodies. He also gives us his Word and says, “I am the bread of life” – community of the Eucharist, so that we can grow in faith, hope and love. That love which should be our response to the experience of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
The purpose of this article was to show the need of thanksgiving for bread. The human being should not thank only from duty, because this is what the tradition prescribes, but he should open his heart to Jesus, the giver of all good gifts and give to be grasped by deep gratitude. It is God who shaped the world so that we have got everything. Due to His grace and His will, the earth annually gives food for our bodies. He also gives us his Word and says, “I am the bread of life” – community of the Eucharist, so that we can grow in faith, hope and love. That love which should be our response to the experience of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Słowa kluczowe
dziękczynienie, podziękowanie, chleb, dożynki, miłość, łaska, thanksgiving, thanks, bread, Harvest Festival, love, grace, acknowledgement, word of thanks
Communio, 2017, R. 37, nr 1 (197), s. 140-145.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland