Uwagi dotyczące budowy, gatunku i datowania Ps 67
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Wydawnictwo „B & G”
Ps 67 is often interpreted as a pre-exile harvest song or a thanksgiving song for the crop. It is performed in the Jerusalem temple on the day of Israeli festival. Ps 67 should be comprehended as the post-exile commune poetry. Interpretation of Ps 67 proves more difficult due to the verb forms which can be understood differently. Ps 67 constitutes the eschatological imploring or laudatory song declaring God’s blessings upon Israel. It is an experience of the longed for nearness of God. Historical and soteriological characteristics of Ps 67 reflects the Israel’s situation. It is addressed to all Jews scattered around the Mediterranean and the Middle East regions. Ps 67 was written employing an ancient formula with the liturgical motifs presumably dating back to the end of 5th c.B.C. or perhaps even 4th c.B.C. to the times of Darius III.
Słowa kluczowe
Ps 67, budowa Ps 67, gatunek Ps 67, datowanie 67, Księga Psalmów, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, biblistyka, filologia, filologia biblijna, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, structure of Ps 67, genre of Ps 67, dating 67, Book of Psalms, Bible, Old Testament, biblical studies, philology, biblical philology, exegesis, biblical exegesis
Scriptura Sacra, 1999, R. 3, nr 3, s. 91-99.
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