Zastosowanie metod badań jakościowych w analizach rodzin osób bezrobotnych




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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego


Family – as each social phenomenon – is for researchers a methodological challenge, which means answering the questions: How to investigate family? Which methods to use? And how to achieve research goals? Among many realized research projects in pedagogy, family sciences, sociology and social anthropology, the paper proposes application of qualitative research methodology in family studies based on constructivist assumptions. Benefits and cost of such research made through observation, interviews, documents analysis will be the subject of interest in the article based on a case study made by the author. The paper is not the whole analysis of qualitative research methods due to many textbooks and papers concerning such topics. The aim of the paper is to present possibilities of using qualitative methodology in family research.


Słowa kluczowe

family, rodzina, qualitative research, badania jakościowe, unemployed people, bezrobotni, bezrobocie, unemployment, metodologia, methodology, metody badawcze, research methods, socjologia, sociology


Family Forum, 2013, T. 3, s. 41-54.


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland