Wychowanie sakramentalne w katechezie młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej


Education in the sacramental life of the Church is a fundamental task of the school catechist. The challenge today is that young people often have a critical attitude toward the Church and are becoming less and less involved in her religious and pastoral life. To fulfill his mission, a catechist must take into account both the environment that young people live in today as well as the general facts of adolescent development during this period. The primary focus should be on the many changes occurring in their physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual and moral growth. In addition, other important aspects of the young person’s world - their social relationships, their role as citizens and their attitude toward modem mass media must be taken into account. The sacraments of the Church are critical in a young person’s life because they build a community of believers, lead to the sanctification of individual believers and are the most perfect way to give glory to God. Liturgical catechesis needs to perform a triple roll: preparing young people for the celebration of the sacraments, helping them discover the value and relevance of the sacraments for a Christian, and, as a result, motivating and developing an active participation in the celebration of the liturgy. Shaping the attitudes toward each of the sacraments is a key goal of this sacramental education. Textbooks are a valuable support for catechists in the transmission of the Church’s teaching on the above issues and an essential tool for students’ own work and understanding. Unfortunately today the catechetical references and supplies used in Polish schools contain numerous shortcomings and errors and therefore should be continuously improved. The effective formation of young people today for the sacramental life requires cooperation between schools, parishes and families.


Słowa kluczowe

prawo, katecheza, katechetyka, wychowanie, wychowanie sakramentalne, sakramenty, młodzież, szkoły, szkoły ponadgimnazjalne, edukacja, law, catechesis, upbringing, sacramental upbringing, sacraments, youth, schools, education


Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2013, t. 9, s. 73-95.


Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland