The Mysticism of Love in „De virginitate” of St. Gregory of Nyssa




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Primeval East Church was very careful in the use of classical greek’s terms specyfying love. The article presents conception breaking above tendency – the idea of ecstatic, ardent eros in St. Gregory’s of Nyssa first written tractate – De virginitate, and is intended to submit variety of types of love and role of love in virginal life. The bishop of Nyssa, seeing main purpose of all human efforts in assimilation to God, emphasizes the virtue of chastity, which increases with love. Owing to this virtue, soul-bride reflects in itself intertrinitarian relations. Through love man rises his nature, assuming triad assigned to nature of God: holiness, impeccability and chastity, and becoming completely and entirely open to experience of spiritual marriage with God.”


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

miłość, eros, dziewictwo, mistycyzm, upodobnienie do Boga, De virginitate, mistycyzm miłości, Grzegorz z Nyssy, ojcowie Kościoła, cnoty, Trójca Święta, dusza, relacje wewnątrztrynitarne, świętość, nieskazitelność, czystość, duchowe zaślubiny z Bogiem, love, virginity, mysticism, assimilation to God, mysticism of love, Gregory of Neisse, Church Fathers, virtues, Holy Trinity, soul, intra-trinitarian relations, holiness, sanctity, impeccability, purity, spiritual nuptials with God


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 4, s. 21-31.


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