Enigmatyczność posłańca w Jr 20,15‒17
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Figura „człowieka” (איש), który przekazuje wiadomość ojcu o narodzinach syna – Jeremiasza jest w interpretacji problematyczna, gdyż człowiek ten nie zaciągnął żadnej winy wobec proroka, a został przez niego przeklęty. Tego rodzaju postępowanie mogło wiązać się z zakazem złorzeczenia ojcu lub matce (zob. Wj 21,17; Kpł 20,9) oraz zakazem bluźnienia Bogu (zob. Wj 22,27; Kpł 24,10‒16). Nie mogąc bezpośrednio złorzeczyć tym, którzy powołali go do życia, prorok czyni to pośrednio wobec tego, który ogłosił wiadomość o jego narodzinach. Posłaniec może być również uosobieniem samego Jeremiasza. Obydwaj głosili prawdę – dobrą nowinę. Obydwóm groziła za to śmierć. Żaden z nich nie zaciągnął winy wobec tych, którzy zagrażali ich życiu.
The figure of ‘the man’ (איש), who gives Jeremiah’s father a message about son’s birth, is in the interpretation problematic as this man was not at fault to the prophet, yet he was cursed by him. This kind of behavior could be connected with a ban on cursing mother or father (see Exod 21,17; Lev 20,9) and a ban on blaspheming against God (see Exod 22,27; Lev 24,10‒16). Jeremiah being unable to curse directly those who have called him into being, indirectly does it towards the person, who has announced his birth. This messenger may also be a personification of Jeremiah. As they both promulgated the truth-the Good News and could be sentenced to death. None of them was against those who were threatening their lives.
The figure of ‘the man’ (איש), who gives Jeremiah’s father a message about son’s birth, is in the interpretation problematic as this man was not at fault to the prophet, yet he was cursed by him. This kind of behavior could be connected with a ban on cursing mother or father (see Exod 21,17; Lev 20,9) and a ban on blaspheming against God (see Exod 22,27; Lev 24,10‒16). Jeremiah being unable to curse directly those who have called him into being, indirectly does it towards the person, who has announced his birth. This messenger may also be a personification of Jeremiah. As they both promulgated the truth-the Good News and could be sentenced to death. None of them was against those who were threatening their lives.
Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Summary translated by Patrycja Grzybek.
Słowa kluczowe
człowiek, Jeremiasz, Jr 20, posłaniec, przekleństwo, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Księga Jeremiasza, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, biblistyka, curse, Jeremiah, Jer 20, human, messenger, Bible, Old Testament, Book of Jeremiah, exegesis, biblical exegesis, biblical studies
Studia Gdańskie, 2011, T. 29, s. 79-89.
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