Duchowość św. Jadwigi Królowej
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
The spirituality of Hedvig, the Queen of Poland (1384-1399) developed under the influence of the spirituality of devotio moderna centered on the imitating Christ. This christcentric spirituality followed the evangelical example of Saint Martha and Saint Mary Magdalene. For Saint Hedvig the attitude of Saint Mary Magdalene was the symbol of the contemplation of the Word of God and especially of the mystery of the Cross and that of Saint Martha was the sign of the Christian putting in to practice the Christ Words in the service of the state, of the Church and of the people. In the lecture of the Bible Saint Hedvig wanted to find the person of Christ. She followed the same purpose reading the works of the Fathers of the Church: St. Ambrose, St. Augustin, St. Gregory the Great and the biography of Saints. She often practised the confession and the Holy Comunion. Henry Bitterfeld OP, her spiritual director, dedicated her the theological study “De contemplatione et vita activa”. The activity of Saint Hedvig, based on the contemplation of Christ, included the evangelisation of Lithuania, the education of the clergy in Poland and in Lithuania, the foundation of many churches and hospitals. As a Queen of Poland and the wife of Władysław Jagiełło, she served the poors.
Słowa kluczowe
Jadwiga Andegaweńska, królowa, duchowość, historia, średniowiecze, święci, życie duchowe, biografia, duchowość chrystocentryczna, duchowość misyjna, queen, spirituality, history, Middle Ages, saints, spiritual life, biography, Christocentric spirituality, missionary spirituality
Analecta Cracoviensia, 2000, T. 32, s. 155-167.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland