O głupocie. Polemika Kościoła z kulturą antyczną w świetle apologetyki wczesnochrześcijańskiej II-III wieku
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
The article discusses the analysis of basic for mutual polemic of pagan philosophers with early Christian apologists of argument form of foolishness. Accusation the Christianity of foolishness results from misunderstanding the Gospel message. From the pagan point of view it is contrary to the mind and full of absurd superstition, which does not require logic thinking and settles for only faith, but in and of itself forecloses logic leading. Therefore, Christian foolishness is no-thinking. The pagan philosophers see it both in the teaching of Church, criticizing especially the absurdness of incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, and next in illogical and estimated to be immoral behavior of Christ and The Apostles, in order to describe Church society as naive people, deprived of education and critical thinking. The foolishness seen by Christian apologists is presented in idolatry, which is unknowing real God. That is why they show the absurdness of beliefs, myths and pagan worships, which are undeserving of comprehending human being. The pagan foolishness comes with human existential situation. The unknowing of God arises from the weakness of human mind, conditioning of thinking by pagan behavior, and mainly the sin and turning away from God, which is based on mind blindness, heart obstinacy and turning to material things. That is why the foolishness is encumbered with guilt and the punishment for it is the state of heart desensitization and foolishness. The remedy for it is the gift of Wisdom revealed in Gospel and crucified Christ, which is the highest sign of the Devine Mercy.
Słowa kluczowe
kultura, antyk, starożytność, chrześcijaństwo, polemika, absurd, apologetyka, bałwochwalstwo, Jezus Chrystus, filozofia, głupota, Kościół, mądrość, pogaństwo, rozum, wola, culture, antiquity, Christianity, apologetics, idolatry, Jesus Christ, philosophy, foolishness, Church, wisdom, paganism, mind, will, polemics
Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 8, s. 395-469.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland