Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 8

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    Katecheza biblijna w rodzinie
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    The present paper deals with the biblical catechesis in family in both the theoretical and the practical aspects. The attention is focused mainly on the biblical family prayer and the reading of the Bible. The sources for this publications are the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar documents concerning the catechesis in the domestic Church. First the general directions for the family catechesis resulting from the Church documents were presented, then the advices and ideas for family biblical catechesis resulting from the author’s own reflection over catechetical documents. The purpose of this publication is to draw attention to the problem of family catechesis, to bring closer the problem of biblical catechesis, and to put forward some propositions for the biblical catechesis given in a family.
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    Świętość rodziny w dobie indywidualistycznej duchowości
    Urbański, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    New spirituality comes from exaggerated individualism of human life. It is based on the liberal axiology creates some syncretism in the interpretation of the truth of the faith. In this way his or her own self is sacralized and the determination of essence Christian faith in the category of ideology. Human being creates according to his or her own interpretations their own faith rejection of the Church doctrine. The rejection of supernatural element leads to the rejection of mystique, as well. That is why the rejection of transcendence leads to self-fulfillment, to personal autonomy and self-expression. Then the main role of religion is not faith, but self-autonomy, where the experience in the form of emotion, feeling overbalances. Human builds so called own spirituality with confidence. The contradistinction to this spirituality is family. Therefore, family is an effective tool to humanization and personalization in present society. Family based on personalistic fundament gives a testimony of Christ and Church. Its spirituality results in union with Holy Trinity, what makes it the sacrament of God’s presence in the world.
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    Opinia Koheleta o kobietach jako echo perypetii małżeńskich Salomona
    Laskowski, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Some passages of Ecclesiastes reveal his aversion to women, since they were thought not to seek wisdom. This article analyzes these motifs on the wisdom background. By linking to the allegory of a woman-wisdom and woman-stupidity, Ecclesiastes directs the reader’s attention to the proper meaning of these passages. They idealize Solomon and claim that, although he departed from God, deceived by his Gentile wives, in old age he returned to wisdom and found that none of them followed his footsteps. Such an approach is already prefigured in the chronicle tradition, silent about the stupidity of Solomon and his numerous marriages. In Ecclesiastes, it results from the need to present the wise Solomon as a model for society, which discusses the religious and social reforms which required dismissal of pagan wives.
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    Przebaczenie w rodzinie jako praktykowanie duchowości miłosierdzia
    Dyktyński, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    The article shows the topic of forgiveness as the basis of successful family life. The author sees there the expression of Mercy Spirituality. He appreciates the forgiveness as the form of human moral improvement including its educational value in an attitude to youth and children. He does not stop at its psychological – anthropological aspects, but treats it as the attitude of following Merciful God. Moreover, the author recognises connection between the forgiveness showed one another among family members and the need of The Sacrament of Penance. The comments resulting in reading exhortation Amoris laetitia. is an important clue of this article.
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    Rodzina chrześcijańska w konfrontacji z organizacjami LGBT
    Olczyk, Arkadiusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Present family strives with many problems. One of them is facing aggressive politics and propaganda of LGBT+ organizations, which claims views contrary to natural law by demanding legal legalization of gender homogenous marriages and possibility of children adoption. These organizations preach moral permissiveness, what is visible on organized in many cities Manifs and Love Parades slogans. They try to sexualize even the youngest children. They demand for them, as sexual minorities, tolerance and more laws, being intolerant toward those who do not accept their behaviors, calling them “cathols” “mohairs” and “middle-aged backwardness”. It is time to protect bravely the law of heterosexual marriage as the relation between a woman and a man and traditional families, where a child has the right to have a father and a mother, not two daddies or two mummies. Catholic Church (priests and the secular) plays an important role in this apologia in order to – in the spirit of loyalty to God- Creator and long Christian tradition- denude illusions and paradoxes of homosexual lobby, and to protect the moral order and God’s law.
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    Rodzina w Bożej ekonomii zbawienia w świetle analizy hermeneutycznej pierwszej formuły błogosławieństwa nowożeńców
    Młynarczyk, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Pope Francis in apostolic exhortation “Amoris laetitia” asked priests to explain all liturgical texts and activities to engaged people at the period of direct preparation for martrimony. This explanation should be aimed at fuller experience of the celebration of matrimony, however it requires knowledge of eucological deposit and ways of its interpretation. The point of departure of this article is the first form of newlyweds’ blessing and its analysis using liturgical hermeneutics as a method. On this base it is possible to describe the role of matrimony and family in divine plan of human salvation and show them as the area of integral progress and sanctification of all family members.
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    Świadomość religijna rodzin w ramach formacji we Wspólnocie Przymierza Rodzin Mamre
    Pabiańczyk, Michał (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    This article addresses the question of religious awareness within the formation of The Family Covenant Community Mamre. Sources on which article is based are coming directly from the community web site and the material that Mamre uses. Questions were raised regarding the religious consciousness formed within the formation and its ecclesial identity. The pastoral and the juridical aspect of the existence of the faithful associations within the Church have been taken into account. The concurrence of the goals of the mission of evangelization was considered. At the end religious awareness of the spirituality formation and charism of the Mamre community was espoused in order to show sense of existence this community of families within the Church and its mission of evangelisation.
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    Zagadnienie węzła małżeńskiego w doktrynie katolickiej a perspektywa zielonoświątkowa. Studium porównawcze wybranych elementów nauczania
    Kocoł, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Pentecostalism is the most evolving Christian movement in the contemporary world. Some churches of this tradition have been engaged in a dialogue with the Catholic Church since 1972. Polish followers of this religious movement are largely centred around the Pentecostal Church in Poland. This work shows selected doctrines of this Church and the Catholic Church regarding the issue of the institution of marriage. It also demonstrates the most important similarities and differences in their teaching. Catholics and Pentecostalists emphasize the value of marriage as it has been established and blessed by the God, recognize its intrinsic characteristics of unity and indissolubility and emphasize the importance of procreation. They disagree on the issue of sacramentality and methods of contraception. Despite doctrinal differences concerning marriage, the traditions in question are consistent about fundamental issues. Understanding mutual teaching is the foundation for Christian unity.
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    Kształtowanie się urzędów protosyncela i syncela w prawie kanonicznym Katolickich Kościołów Wschodnich
    Bakalarz, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    The office of syncellus has a centenary tradition. Initially, this was not a formal office, but a companion function of the daily life of the bishop, wishing to continue in some form a monastic life. Over time, syncellus have gained an important position in eparchy and their role has become institutionalized. Under the influence of the legal order of the Latin Church, this office became similar to the vicar general in the West and most often he also adopted the name of the Latin Church from which the codification of the twentieth century was removed. The universal legislator in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches envisages that in every eparch a protosincel should be established, if it’s necessary, the episcopal bishop has the possibility of appointing more of the syncelluses. Syncellus enjoys the same power as the protosincellus, but – importantly – its power is narrowed to the eparchial bishop specified in the act of nomination to the territorial area, or to the distinct group of persons, or to the specific type of case. The Code also includes the catalog of qualifications expected of candidates for these offices and the circumstances in which a priest is excluded from the list of candidates. By right the episcopal bishop is obliged to entrust his coadjutor bishop or auxiliary bishop the office of protosyncellus, and when there are more bishops, then one of them nominate protosyncellus and the other syncellus. Unlike the priests entrusted with the office of protosyncellus or syncellus, the auxiliary bishop holds office for an indefinite period of time.
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    Wschodni Ojcowie Kościoła w katechezie biblijnej. Św. Atanazy Aleksandryjski
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    The present paper begins a series of eight publications on Eastern and Western Fathers of the Church in biblical catechesis. The Fathers who are recognized with the titles of the Great Doctors of the Church were selected for presentation. The series is neither focused on patristic research, nor concerned in presentation of the broad spectrum of topics related to a particular Father of the Church in catechesis, but it is intended to draw the practical application for biblical catechesis out of the life and works of Fathers. The first paper is dedicated to St. Athanasius of Alexandria. There were presented propositions for biblical catechesis resulting from the realization of purposes of gaining knowledge, acquiring skills and abilities, and building attitudes. Also the realization of six basic tasks of catechesis is discussed.
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    Uwagi o obecnej pozycji personalizmu chrześcijańskiego w kulturze mentalnej Europy
    Szymonik, Marian (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Present crisis of eastern culture is conditioned wrong understanding of human, more as natural being than personal one (fleshly-spiritual). It entails the crisis of humanism and equation human with natural world. In the light of dominant naturalism in understanding a human, it is pointless to speak about human dignity. Christian personalizm of different kinds wants to reintroduce to scientific and social discourse the notion of human nature, human soul and primarily the understanding of human being in the philosophical sense. This point of view does not depreciate professional knowledge about human which is gained in detailed studies. It is only necessary its addendum in scientific aspects proper to classical philosophy. It seems as well, that Christian personalizm giving integral vision of human can introduce very inspiring elements to the present discourse in the field of understanding the law, morality and social order.
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    Kuchnia Lubomirskich na Rzeszowie w XVIII wieku
    Haligowska, Aleksandra (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Kitchen – this a topic of the article. This very important part of our lives is taking a place in history of private life. Popularity of private life in historical context is soaring amongst the scientific community and readers. In this case I will focus on family Lubomirski’s menu in Rzeszów in XVIII century. How the kitchen looked, how looked the dishes for everyday use, what they bought, and finally, how was the menu and how much they paid for it. For describing the picture of Lubomirski’s kitchen I also showed a general trends of the century on this subject. This work is drawn on primary sources like cookbooks from XVII and XVIII centrury and archive records.
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    Etymologiczne antynomie terminów śāṭān i diabolos w Starym Testamencie w kontekście kulminacyjnego obrazu Szatana w Mdr 2, 24
    Janik, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Word, “satan” is an Hebrew word which means “adversary” while “devil” is a translation of the Greek word “diabolos”, meaning a liar, an enemy or false accuser. The Biblical usage of the term “satan” shows that can be used as ordinary adjectiv, describing ordinary people. The word “satan” in the Bible is not regarded as referring to a supernatural, personal being but to any adversary and figuratively refers to human sin and temptation This fact makes it impossible to reason that the word satan as used in the Bible do in themselves refer to a great wicked person or being outside of us. Hovever, in the books of Samuel and Chronicles are parallels accounts of the same incidents describing of Satan, of the same events but using different language. The original word “diabolos” is derived from the word “diabebola” which is the perfect tense, middle voice of the word “diaballo”. Diaballo is compounded of “dia” (through) and “ballo”, therefore rendering the meaning to “dart or strike through”. He further explains that whenever the word is used in the figurative sense, it signifies to strike or stab with an accusation or evil report. Hovever the word “devil” is a general term and not used as a proper noun. It is a word that can be employed in any situation where slander, accusation and falsehood are present. Inciden tally, please note that the entire Old Testament is silent on the Devil. The word devil does not appear in the Old Testament, except deuterocanonical books. For the first time appears in the in the First Book of Maccabees. In the Book of Wisdom the devil is represented as the one who brought death into the world and he is the principal enemy of God.
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    Wkład biskupów wrocławskich w rozwój statutów kapituły wrocławskiej do roku 1468
    Jerzak, Norbert (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    In the year 1000 there was established the Metropolitan Archidioces of Gniezno with suffragan dioceses in Krakow, Breslau, Kolobrzeg and sometime later in Poznan. To Poland the institution of cathedral chapter arrived already formed and development progressed irrespective of each other dioceses. The first seat Breslau chapter it could be considered the Abbey of St. Martin nearby the Breslau’s castel. The elaboration of the first set of statute chapter the Breslau Cathedral was upon the bishop Henry of Wierzbno (1302-1319). An signifiant input into the final form of statutes chapter had others Breslau bishops, there were Przeclaw and Waclaw who contributed mostly. Only a german bishop of Breslau and papal legate Rudolf of Rudesheim (1464-1482) menaged the cathedral chapter statutes were approved. It the was the beginning of stabilization with functioning the Breslau cathedral chapter.
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    Kalendarium życia bp. Teodora Kubiny. Podróż do Padwy, Lourdes i Lisieux (03.07-20.07.1931)
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
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    Publikacje księży diecezji częstochowskiej na łamach „Kalendarza Jasnogórskiego” z lat 1929-1938
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Since 1928 the editorial board of weekly magazine “Niedziela” in Czestochowa diocese had begun the releasing of “The calendar of Jasna Gora” for particular years 1929- 1938. In total there were 10 printed calendars with publications, among other things, of local priests: Stanisław Bilski (2 works), Jan Domarańczyk (1 work), Stanisław Gałązka (5 works), Franciszek Gryglewicz (2 works), Bogumił Kasprzak (1 work), Wojciech Koźlicki (4 works), Teodor Kubina (4 works), Stanisław Kuraś (2 works), Antoni Mietliński (1 work), Wojciech Mondry (11 works), Walenty Patykiewicz (1 work), Bolesław Wróblewski (1 work), Antoni Zimniak (1 work) i Adam Żor (3 works). The contents of these 39 works were various and concerned the wide problematic aspects involving theology (pastoral, historical and legal matters), agriculture, non-fiction and fiction.
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    Działalność duszpasterska ks. Edwarda Stasiewicza – dziekana dekanatu krzepickiego – w świetle materiałów Służby Bezpieczeństwa w latach 1968-1972
    Kostrzewski, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    Security Service was interested in activity of fr. Edward Stasiewicz, parish priest of Krzepice parish, being simultaneously the dean of Krzepice diaconate. Some valuable information was delivered by Secret Informers, mainly by the one of curates called TW Florek. Gathered materials show positive picture of fr, Stasiewicz, an ardent priest and a good host, who fulfills the orders of Częstochowa bishops faithfully. He tried not to attack communist authorities in his sermons, but by supporting the building of new churches and chapels, became their enemy. Despite of efforts, Security Service did not get any compromising information about Fr. Stasiewicz.
  • Miniatura
    Liturgical Content in Newsletters from Selected Catholic Parishes in Bedford
    Maciaszek, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    W tekście zaprezentowano treści umieszczane w parafialnych biuletynach wydawanych przez katolickie wspólnoty w Bedford w Anglii. Dokładniej opisane zostały zamieszczane w tych pismach informacje dotyczące życia liturgicznego; wśród nich wymienić należy te, które odnoszą się do roku kościelnego, celebrowanych mszy świętych, udzielania pozostałych sakramentów, możliwości adoracji Najświętszego Sakramentu, udziału świeckich w sprawowanej liturgii, charakteru organizowanych pielgrzymek, nieustannej potrzeby angażowania się parafian w poprawną celebrację świętych obrzędów. Artykuł składa się z trzech zasadniczych części: w pierwszej, wskazane zostały umieszczane w biuletynach treści nie związane bezpośrednio z celebracjami liturgicznymi; w drugiej, wymienione zostały te, które odnoszą się do sprawowania świętych obrzędów; w trzeciej, opisano znaczenie podawanych w pismach parafialnych treści liturgicznych dla każdego z parafian i tworzonej przez nich wspólnoty. Dokonana prezentacja umieszczanego w rzeczonych biuletynach liturgicznego przekazu potwierdza prawdy o jego znaczącej roli w życiu człowieka. Treści te spełniają zarówno funkcje informacyjne, jak i formacyjne. Wykorzystywanie pisma parafialnego w działalności duszpasterskiej wskazuje na to, że warto publikować je systematycznie. Dokonujące się w ten sposób informowanie i ewangelizowanie sprawia, że członkowie danej wspólnoty parafialnej stają się z nią nie tylko coraz bardziej związani, lecz także za nią odpowiedzialni. Jako chrześcijanie coraz dokładniej znają prawdy wiary i wartość przestrzegania w codziennym życiu ewangelicznych zasad. Efektem formacji liturgicznej wiernych jest ich stały wysiłek w budowie konkretnej społeczności parafialnej. Każda taka wspólnota staje się silniejsza wtedy, kiedy tworzący ją uczestniczą w obrzędach liturgicznych we właściwy sposób, czyli pełny, aktywny i świadomy.
  • Miniatura
    O głupocie. Polemika Kościoła z kulturą antyczną w świetle apologetyki wczesnochrześcijańskiej II-III wieku
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)
    The article discusses the analysis of basic for mutual polemic of pagan philosophers with early Christian apologists of argument form of foolishness. Accusation the Christianity of foolishness results from misunderstanding the Gospel message. From the pagan point of view it is contrary to the mind and full of absurd superstition, which does not require logic thinking and settles for only faith, but in and of itself forecloses logic leading. Therefore, Christian foolishness is no-thinking. The pagan philosophers see it both in the teaching of Church, criticizing especially the absurdness of incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, and next in illogical and estimated to be immoral behavior of Christ and The Apostles, in order to describe Church society as naive people, deprived of education and critical thinking. The foolishness seen by Christian apologists is presented in idolatry, which is unknowing real God. That is why they show the absurdness of beliefs, myths and pagan worships, which are undeserving of comprehending human being. The pagan foolishness comes with human existential situation. The unknowing of God arises from the weakness of human mind, conditioning of thinking by pagan behavior, and mainly the sin and turning away from God, which is based on mind blindness, heart obstinacy and turning to material things. That is why the foolishness is encumbered with guilt and the punishment for it is the state of heart desensitization and foolishness. The remedy for it is the gift of Wisdom revealed in Gospel and crucified Christ, which is the highest sign of the Devine Mercy.