Biblijne wzory osobowe jako tworzywo homiletyczne
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Uniwersytet Szczeciński
The article based on the studies of three authors (Benedict XVI, M. Baranowski (OFMConv), G. Ravasi) presents selected Biblical personal examples and shows how to use them as homiletic material. The selection is extended by the author’s personal reflection and gives some suggestions of topics. It also encourages the preachers to enhance spreading God’s word based on the splendid examples of Biblical figures. There is an abundant and illuminating pageant of figures.
Słowa kluczowe
Biblia, Pismo Święte, wzorce osobowe, pareneza, pareneza biblijna, homiletyka, kaznodziejstwo, kazania, homilia, Ewangelia, Nowy Testament, Stary Testament, apostołowie, wiara, modlitwa, polityka, mądrość, poezja, kobiety biblijne, biblijne wzorce osobowe, męstwo, odwaga, walka, kobiece wzorce osobowe, męskie wzorce osobowe, Bible, personal role models, parenesis, biblical parenesis, homiletics, preaching, sermons, homily, gospel, New Testament, Old Testament, apostles, faith, prayer, politics, wisdom, poetry, women of the Bible, biblical personal role models, bravery, courage, combat, female role models, male role models
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2010, nr 15, s. 99-126.
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