Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2010, nr 15

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 19 z 19
  • Miniatura
    Postać węża w opowiadaniu z Rdz 3
    Adamczyk, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    W opowiadaniu z Rdz 3 występuje tajemnicza postać węża. Autor ukazuje jego kusicielską działalność. Wąż chytrze akcentuje Boży zakaz oraz zaprzecza podanym przez Boga konsekwencjom złamania tego zakazu. Zwodzicielska siła przebiegłego węża sprawia, że pierwsi rodzice popełniają grzech. Wąż okazuje się przyczyną wszelkiego zła. Zostaje on ukarany przez Boga i upokorzony. Bóg zapowiada również, że ten sprawca wszelkiego zła zostanie ostatecznie i definitywnie zwyciężony.
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    Imago Dei jako źródło godności człowieka i wartości jego cielesności
    Bujak, Janusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
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    JHWH – istota czy obecność Boga?
    Jasiński, Karol (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    The paper presents the proposal of the new understanding of biblical name of God. The paper has two parts. In the first part we have the presentation of the exegetical research. It shows us, that the name of God can’t be understood as the revelation of his essence, but as the promise of his presence, preserving of his mystery or rejecting of the answer. The second part presents us ideas of Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Etienne Gilson and Martin Buber. Augistine, Thomas and Gilson understand the name of God as identity of essence and existance. The ideas of Buber are similar to biblical research.
  • Miniatura
    Język łaciński w teorii i praktyce
    Jaśkiewicz, Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    The Vatican urges seminarians to learn the ancient languages of Latin and Greek. They are still relevant and have a great impact on our science and culture, not to mention their pedagogical role. They are needed to keep the high level of historical, philosophical and theological studies. Unless we deepen the study of classical language we will loose a radical part of our tradition. There are a lot of the spiritual masters which have not been yet translated into the vernacular. In Poland for example only 60% of the writings of St. Augustine have been translated into Polish. The article promotes Greek and Latin showing by expressions, proverbs and phrases how far they are popular and how important for general knowledge and general education.
  • Miniatura
    Kardynał August Hlond jako twórca podstaw administracji kościelnej na Pomorzu Środkowym po II wojnie światowej
    Wiązowski, Eugeniusz Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Żydowskie rozumienie Biblii na przykładzie Księgi Bereszit Pardes Lauder
    Goniszewski, Piotr (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    The aim of this article is presentation of the Jewish interpretation of Bible in new polish translation of the Book of Genesis (Bereishit Torah Pardes Lauder). The first chapter presents how the translator changed or modified hebrew words and placed others words in text of polish translation. It shows how author used meaning of the words agreed with the theological doctrine of Judaism. All this changes have origin in the Jewish exegetical tradition called Oral Torah. The second chapter of this article presents interpretation in commentary under text of translation TPL. Commentary also refers to the Jewish tradition. Article shows very close relationship between Books of Torah and Oral Torah. In the Jewish understanding of Bible the tradition is inseparably related with the written text.
  • Miniatura
    Teoria komunikacyjnego działania w nauce o Trójcy Świętej
    Jagodziński, Marek (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Dekonstrukcja mitu drogi w powieści „On the road” J. Kerouaca
    Jastrząb, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Biblijne wzory osobowe jako tworzywo homiletyczne
    Kosmana, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    The article based on the studies of three authors (Benedict XVI, M. Baranowski (OFMConv), G. Ravasi) presents selected Biblical personal examples and shows how to use them as homiletic material. The selection is extended by the author’s personal reflection and gives some suggestions of topics. It also encourages the preachers to enhance spreading God’s word based on the splendid examples of Biblical figures. There is an abundant and illuminating pageant of figures.
  • Miniatura
    Objawienie. Natchnienie. Biblia
    Oczachowski, Andrzej (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    As we undertake a reading of Holy Scripture we can be certain that we are dealing with an exceptional book - one which has both been inspired by the Holy Spirit and which contains the revelation of the message God has deemed to hand down to us. The religious phenomenon of inspiration is a concept difficult to grasp and to define, and it is equally challenging to characterize precisely what God intended to make manifest through the Bible. As a testimony of writing dating back two thousand years, the Bible is continuously subject to thorough study and of all literary works remains the text which has been most painstakingly and precisely researched. The Church has decreed the process of God's communication with man as being both authentic and complete; therefore, no new public revelation is to be expected prior to the glorious Second Coming of Christ. Consequently amongst theologians there exists an ardent desire to describe the historical event of the preservation of God's word which is relevant to each and every generation.
  • Miniatura
    Godność osoby ludzkiej w wymiarze antropologii filozoficznej
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    In the Christian understanding, the dignity of human being is not established by philosophical anthropology, but it is discovered. Philosophy laying claim to this must comprise all the human reality. This can be achieved only by creating methodology according to a criterion constituting the wisdom character of philosophy and its striving to get to know the absolute truth, which is only possible with keeping its fundamental purpose, which is reaching the first reasons of everything through the natural light of intellect. Philosophy giving up this requirement, plunges into crisis. It becomes an analysis or description of fragments of the reality, comprised by detailed science, thus showing a partial, not a full image of the human existence.
  • Miniatura
    Jezus interpretator Pism (Łk 4,16-18 i 24)
    Stroynowski, Tomasz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    In Gospel according to St. of Luke Jesus often appears in the part of the commentator of the Holy Scripture. My article analyses pericops in which Jesus appears in this part and the manner into which He interprets the Old Testament. There are seven of their and they belong to them: 4,16-31; 10, 25-37; 19,45-46; 20, 27-40; 20,41-44; 22, 66-70 and 24, 13-48. In all discussed fragments of Lc happens again the regularity: Jesus reveals the true sense of prophet predictions and orders of the Old Testament. On the special attention I deserve two fragments: 4,16-31 and 24, 13-48. They determine the buckle coupling whole Evangel and resume the aim of the teaching of Jesus. Show also the basic problem which wants to resolve Jesus - the spiritual blindness. The study of all pericops makes for following conclusions: 1. Jesus is an one and only interpreter of Writings OT. 2. Without Jesus one cannot understand the proclamation and promises of Bible. 3. Jesus deepens the understanding OT, transcending his customary and often nationalist understanding. 4. The centre of the Script is Christ, because in Him fulfil all God promises. 5. The gift of the understanding of the Script Jesus charged to the community of his own disciples - to the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Lectio divina w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI i w pracach Synodu Biskupów z 2008 roku
    Tomaszewski, Tomasz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Twarze męstwa. Męstwo jako doświadczenie personalne
    Kozłowski, Ryszard (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
    Presented paper entitled Faces of bravery depicts bravery as a personal experience. It means that a human person is both a subject and an object of bravery. In other words: it is all about the person when it comes to bravery. Such comprehension allows to draw arguments declaring bravery as an act which transforms man's negative and destructive condition into positive and constructive state of being. Bravery is a man's inner power owning to which they may attain the fullness of their existence. Experiencing themselves – in bravery – they become themselves.
  • Miniatura
    Historia święta Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
    Lewiński, Jacek (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Interpretacja rzeczywistości społeczno-politycznej w świetle teologii Henri de Lubaca
    Szulist, Janusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)