Rodzina chrześcijańska w konfrontacji z organizacjami LGBT




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


Present family strives with many problems. One of them is facing aggressive politics and propaganda of LGBT+ organizations, which claims views contrary to natural law by demanding legal legalization of gender homogenous marriages and possibility of children adoption. These organizations preach moral permissiveness, what is visible on organized in many cities Manifs and Love Parades slogans. They try to sexualize even the youngest children. They demand for them, as sexual minorities, tolerance and more laws, being intolerant toward those who do not accept their behaviors, calling them “cathols” “mohairs” and “middle-aged backwardness”. It is time to protect bravely the law of heterosexual marriage as the relation between a woman and a man and traditional families, where a child has the right to have a father and a mother, not two daddies or two mummies. Catholic Church (priests and the secular) plays an important role in this apologia in order to – in the spirit of loyalty to God- Creator and long Christian tradition- denude illusions and paradoxes of homosexual lobby, and to protect the moral order and God’s law.


Słowa kluczowe

chrześcijaństwo, rodzina, małżeństwo, organizacje LGBT+, homoseksualizm, rewolucja seksualna, LGBT, Kościół, ideologia, sakramenty, Christianity, family, marriage, LGBT+ organizations, homosexualism, sexual revolution, Church, ideology, sacraments


Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 8, s. 121-149.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland