Psychologia i psychiatria w świetle prasy katolickiej Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
Tytuł czasopisma
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Psychologia i psychiatria to tematy rzadko poruszane w dyskursie katolickim, w tym w dziennikarstwie. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na elementy z obu dziedzin wiedzy, które były poruszane na łamach prasy katolickiej w II RP. Należą do nich takie zagadnienia, jak powiązania między sferą duchową i psychiczną człowieka, wybrane zaburzenia psychiczne, problem depresji poaborcyjnej, zjawisko samobójstwa, a także odniesienia do kwestii etycznych i moralnych w kontekście nauczania Kościoła. Podjęte w ten sposób badania pozwalają naszkicować ówczesny poziom nauki w dziedzinie psychologii i psychiatrii, a także stosunek Kościoła katolickiego do obu dziedzin wiedzy.
Psychology and psychiatry are topics rarely raised in Catholic discourse, including journalism. The article highlights elements from both fields of knowledge that were addressed in the pages of the Catholic press in the Second Republic. Such issues were raised as the connection between the spiritual and mental spheres of man, selected mental disorders, the problem of depression after abortion, the phenomenon of suicide, as well as references to ethical and moral issues, in the context of Church teaching. A study undertaken in this way can sketch the level of science at the time in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, as well as the attitude of the Catholic Church to both fields of knowledge.
Psychology and psychiatry are topics rarely raised in Catholic discourse, including journalism. The article highlights elements from both fields of knowledge that were addressed in the pages of the Catholic press in the Second Republic. Such issues were raised as the connection between the spiritual and mental spheres of man, selected mental disorders, the problem of depression after abortion, the phenomenon of suicide, as well as references to ethical and moral issues, in the context of Church teaching. A study undertaken in this way can sketch the level of science at the time in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, as well as the attitude of the Catholic Church to both fields of knowledge.
Słowa kluczowe
psychologia, psychiatria, katolicyzm, dziennikarstwo, okres międzywojenny, psychology, psychiatry, Catholicism, journalism, interwar period, prasa katolicka, catholic press, polska publicystyka katolicka, polish catholic journalism
Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 4, s. 515-542.
CC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych