Interpretacja dogmatu jako problem ekumeniczny




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The quest for a new interpretation of dogma is not a disquieting phenomenon of modern times. The history of the Early Church bears witness to the fact, that even dogmas defined by the great ecumenical councils were regarded as a point of departure rather than an end of interpretation of the revealed thruth. The problem of dogma and its reinterpretation becomes more and more important in contemporary ecumenical discussions. Christians are not unanimous even in understanding the very concept of dogma. The author of the article tries to draw attention to some ecumenical implications of present-day research into the language, structure and pluralism of dogmatic statements. He first of all underlines that theological language has its distinctive logical behaviour, then focuses his attention on the problem of pluralism in relation to the unity of Christian faith. Uniformity is not an ideal of Christian tradition. The variety of many dogmatic traditions does not, in principle, endanger the unity of faith. Christian Churches have to become more aware of the inadequacy of their dogmatic statements. Both the Council of Florence and the Vatican II have acknowledged the existence of a legitimate pluralism in the way of formulating dogmatic statements.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, teologia dogmatyczna, dogmatic theology, dogmaty, dogmas, język, language, struktura, structure, interpretacja, interpretation, interpretation of dogma, język dogmatu, language of dogma, struktura dogmatu, structure of dogma, ekumenizm, ecumenism, prawdy wiary, truths of faith, wiara, faith, jedność wiary, unity of faith, interpretacja dogmatu


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1976, T. 23, z. 2, s. 73-85.


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