Jana Pawła II przesłanie o dialogu teologii z naukami przyrodniczymi
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Artykuł, odwołując się do nauczania papieża Jana Pawła II, przedstawia jego ujęcie dialogu teologii z naukami przyrodniczymi. Jest to zagadnienie istotne z punktu widzenia wiary chrześcijańskiej. Jej uzasadnianie dokonuje się dziś w klimacie myślenia, w którym nauki przyrodnicze, narzędzia poznania świata im właściwe, a także rozpowszechniony przez nie obraz świata odgrywają doniosłą rolę. W tekście ukazane zostały istotne wskazania soborowego otwarcia Kościoła na naukę, stanowiące inspirację dla papieskiego ujęcia dalszych i bliższych uwarunkowań dialogu teologii z naukami przyrodniczymi.
The article, referring to the teaching of Pope John Paul II, presents his attitude to the dialogue of theology with natural sciences. This is a significant issue from the point of view of Christian faith. Its justification is made in the atmosphere of thinking, where natural sciences, with their methods of learning the world as well as the image of the world widespread by them play a significant role. Therefore, natural sciences, cognition connected therewith, natural image of the world may be recognized as an important theological place (locus theologicus). Significant indications of Council Church opening for the science were contained, in the text constituting an inspiration for the Papal attitude towards further and closer conditions of the dialogue of theology with natural sciences.
The article, referring to the teaching of Pope John Paul II, presents his attitude to the dialogue of theology with natural sciences. This is a significant issue from the point of view of Christian faith. Its justification is made in the atmosphere of thinking, where natural sciences, with their methods of learning the world as well as the image of the world widespread by them play a significant role. Therefore, natural sciences, cognition connected therewith, natural image of the world may be recognized as an important theological place (locus theologicus). Significant indications of Council Church opening for the science were contained, in the text constituting an inspiration for the Papal attitude towards further and closer conditions of the dialogue of theology with natural sciences.
Słowa kluczowe
dialog, dialog interdyscyplinarny, Kościół, nauka, nauki przyrodnicze, teologia, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, dialog teologii z naukami przyrodniczymi, relacja teologia-nauki przyrodnicze, dialogue, interdisciplinary dialogue, Church, study, science, natural sciences, theology, John Paul II, popes, dialogue of theology with natural sciences, theology-natural sciences relationship
Studia Gdańskie, 2012, T. 30, s. 117-129.
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