Jedno jest ciało, choć składa się z wielu członków (1 Kor 12, 12). Troska Pawła o jedność Ciała Chrystusa – Kościoła




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Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”


Apostle Paul understands that creating communities of believers by him are deeply ingrained by Jesus Christ in God. The Unity of the Church is based on foundation which is Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself, through baptism, unites believers with Him, but also creates unity of all christened people. The unity based on such foundation cannot have even one scratch of division, because this unity comes from God, which Christ donates to Him. Lack of understanding of the essence of baptism leads to divisions in communities, and one should oppose this, because it is not baptism that creates community, but God Himself in Jesus Christ. This is wisdom, which gives salvation to people, and based on the wisdom of the Cross, which next recognizes redemptive acting of God. Just recognition of the wisdom of the Cross causes true identification of the christened. It is not about eloquence of those who preach, but making believers aware that since the moment of baptism, believers build community, which creates unity with Christ and among each other as well. Believers, transforming into Christ, become the ones who they accept in their lives, because the position of slaves believers become children o God. The foundation of unity is God, who is a source of Christ’s reign, while through believing they create unity thanks to immersing in Christ, and through Christ in God. Such community not only create unity on spiritual ground, but this unity must be expressed in a concrete way through specific signs of brotherly love towards community. Just right understanding of collect, as remedy of both material and spiritual needs allows to perceive that material support demonstrates and implements the unity of believers at the same time.


Słowa kluczowe

ciało, listy św. Pawła, Paweł apostoł, apostołowie, Pierwszy List do Koryntian, 1 Kor, 1 Kor 12, Ciało Chrystusa, Kościół, Pismo Święte, Biblia, Nowy Testament, Bóg, Jezus Chrystus, wspólnota, jedność, chrzest, mądrość, sakramenty, body, letters of Saint Paul, Paul the Apostle, apostles, First Letter to the Corinthians, Body of Christ, Church, Bible, New Testament, God, Jesus Christ, community, unity, baptism, wisdom, sacraments


Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4, s. 13-36.


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