Rola liturgii w katechezie




Tytuł czasopisma

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Catechesis and liturgy enable the Church to fulfill its saving mission awarded by the Christ. Preaching the word is to lead to the celebration of liturgy. The heart of the catechesis and faith of those who receive the message of salvation is the mystery of the Christ celebrated in liturgy. As catechesis is essential to gain understanding and ultimate experience of liturgy, a catechesis that supports and translates liturgical values into daily life is indispensable. Catechesis should relate to liturgical experience, consolidate its values, point to the richness of life renewed in Christ and propose ways of attaining sainthood in daily work. The characteristic element of liturgy is the language of celebration, which imparts significance to the celebration in the process of transmission of faith. Liturgy also uses symbolic language, which is an indispensable way of expressing and sharing religious experience. Symbols can help catechesis to resist the temptation of teaching only, because they bring teaching closer to daily life and add necessary dynamism to catechesis.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tomasz Pałkowski.

Słowa kluczowe

liturgia, sakramenty, Eucharystia, proklamacja słowa Bożego, wspólnota, katecheza, katechizacja, celebracja, jedność, rozwój wiary, modlitwa, dialog z Bogiem, postawa wiary, znaki, symbol, ryty, gesty, obrzędy religijne, Słowo Boże, wiara, liturgy, sacraments, Eucharist, proclaiming the Word of God, community, catechesis, catechization, celebration, unity, growth of faith, prayer, dialogue with God, attitude of faith, signs, rites, gestures, religious rites, Word of God, faith


Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2010, T. 2 (57), s. 121-132.


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