Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2010, T. 2 (57)

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  • Miniatura
    Obraz sodalicji Mariańskiej w „Miesięczniku Katechetycznym i Wychowawczym”
    Kurosz, Jolanta (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    “Miesięcznik Katechetyczny i Wychowawczy” (“The Catechetical and Educational Monthly”) was a specialist monthly for priests-prefects. It appeared in the years 1911-1939. The aim of the present article is to present the Sodality of Our Lady (Lat. Sodalitas B. Mariae Virginis) on the basis of texts published in the monthly in the years 1919-1939. In that period of time, 109 articles were published on the Sodality of Our Lady. Among others, the articles covered topics such as the life and activities of the organization, reports from diocesan and national conventions, 39 reports on the activity of the Circles of Priests-Prefects as well as brief announcements on current affairs. The Sodality of Our Lady was elite by its nature and one of the most dynamic religious organizations operating in secondary schools in the interwar period. Its growth is largely due to the charisma and work of Rev. Józef Winkowski, but cooperation of all moderators accompanied by collaboration and enthusiasm on the part of secondary school students also played a major role. The development of the organization was not uniform for the whole nation – it was most vibrant in the Poznań-Gniezno diocese and the weakest in the Warsaw archdiocese. The activity of prefects in the school establishments of the Sodality of Our Lady was part of the didacticeducational work, but it was an inseparable element of the overall work of the Church in Polish schools in those times.
  • Miniatura
    Treść prawa autorskiego do kazania
    Broński, Włodzimierz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    A sermon, as a unit of ecclesiastical prophecy, is a specific composition – the word of God in the human words of a preacher. It is protected and its author is entitled to enjoy their moral rights and copyright. Moral rights rest with the creator permanently. Specifically, they are inalienable. They are not subject to alienation or disclaimer. They are perpetual as they never expire, even after the death of the creator. They protect the bond between the author and his or her work against lawless acts of third parties. On the other hand, economic copyrights are alienable – one can dispose of them by legal acts, and they are inheritable.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina polska jako środowisko katechezy maryjnej
    Zając, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The significance of family Marian catechesis in Poland has been increased by a series of historical events involving Marian revelations and by the pastoral strategy of the Catholic Church. The Marian catechesis was not only included in the plans of religion teaching, textbooks and catechisms, but was also present in the Marian traditions of Polish families. Before children started school or parish catechesis which dealt with the subject of Virgin Mary, they already had extensive knowledge of Her and they could pray to Her. Living in families, they could also easily understand all bonds that mother and son share. In the case of Virgin Mary, they easily acquired the truth that Her Son is God and that She, like every mother, does not leave anyone in need. The Marian catechesis, invariably passed to the catechisized in the family environment, also today must constitute guidance for Poles in answering the question: “what to believe in, how to act and what means of grace to use in order to achieve salvation?” In the layer of content, there must be a clear reference to the mysteries of Christ connected with the life of Blessed Virgin Mary. Religious elements, historical traditions and Marian educational ideas should further converge into one voice praising Mary, Mother of God-Man.
  • Miniatura
    Rola liturgii w katechezie
    Wrońska, Halina (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    Catechesis and liturgy enable the Church to fulfill its saving mission awarded by the Christ. Preaching the word is to lead to the celebration of liturgy. The heart of the catechesis and faith of those who receive the message of salvation is the mystery of the Christ celebrated in liturgy. As catechesis is essential to gain understanding and ultimate experience of liturgy, a catechesis that supports and translates liturgical values into daily life is indispensable. Catechesis should relate to liturgical experience, consolidate its values, point to the richness of life renewed in Christ and propose ways of attaining sainthood in daily work. The characteristic element of liturgy is the language of celebration, which imparts significance to the celebration in the process of transmission of faith. Liturgy also uses symbolic language, which is an indispensable way of expressing and sharing religious experience. Symbols can help catechesis to resist the temptation of teaching only, because they bring teaching closer to daily life and add necessary dynamism to catechesis.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina niepełna i jej wpływ na sytuację wychowawczą dziecka
    Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    Raising children in single-parent families has been recognized as a serious problem which results in the situation where single parents (except for families where the absence of either parent is caused by their death) find themselves in conflict with the Catholic teaching on marriage. The situation influences the functioning of the family and the way the offspring are raised. The categories of single-parent families show certain similarities in the ways of their functioning. It is important to notice that in the single-parent families of unmarried people there appears to be significant lack of the emotional bond between the child and the absent parent. It is unique in such a group of families not to allow the presence of the other parent, mostly the father. In most cases the single parent who raises the child creates a negative image of the absent parent. In case of divorce, the excluded parent is deprived of the possibility to positively influence his or her own children. In fateful situations, it is death that excludes one of the parents from the family life.In order to prevent creating single-parent families we should take care of forming personal culture and the proper choice of a partner who will aim at setting up a full family. The partners who are going to set up a family should be taught how to be responsible for their life decisions and for the members of their families. The future parents should set up their full families in a mature and wise way because only such full families can be an ideal place for upbringing the child and for preparing him or her for their life in society.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo rodzin z dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi
    Lipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    A family which is founded on love, and the sacrament of marriage of the parents is the best environment for living, raising and rehabilitating a disabled child. His/her presence presents numerous difficulties that the parents have to overcome. Disability often negatively impacts the child’s acceptance of the parents. Due to the child’s disability the relationship between the parents may be disturbed; its impact is also perceptible in the relationship of the affected child with his/her siblings and other family members. Parents not always can look after their disabled child and deal with his/her rehabilitation and upbringing. Such difficulties constitute a challenge for various people and social institutions that help families with disabled children. Among them is also the Church whose pastoral care is meant to directly assist families and guide them in their seeking material, medical and psychological help.
  • Miniatura
    Troska duszpasterstwa rodzin o małżeństwo i rodzinę
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The article presents the founding idea of pastoral care of families as a sub-field of practical theology as well as its significance for the saving work of the Church. The issue is presented in several stages. The starting point is a reflection on the notion and unique nature of pastoral care of families, then it is presented as a scientific discipline but also an important element of the saving activity of the Church focused on the family. Also, the main areas of concern are outlined. The highlight of the article is point 5 attempting to show the idea of having a textbook for family pastoral work, an aid that has never been conceived in Poland. In fact the presentation is not a mere outline but quite a concrete and detailed plan.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo w starzejącym się społeczeństwie polskim
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    One of modern challenges facing not only politicians, economists or sociologists is the demographic makeup of Poland, which is a derivative of tendencies that are visible in the whole of Europe. Demographic changes are not leaving the Church unaffected. One has to take into account the decreasing number of children and the youth, who are the a major target of pastoral initiatives in Poland. The adult and elderly groups existing in the Church will grow, which will create a demand for new and adequate pastoral solutions for them. The pastoral care of families, elderly, lonely and sick will face special challenges. The article attempts to present the lines of development of activities conducted in the mentioned sectors of pastoral care which the Polish Church should pay attention to.
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ sakramentu bierzmowania na życie społeczne chrześcijan
    Wolański, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    Confirmation is the crowning of Baptism, multiplication of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and granting a right to be an active member of the Church. Confirmation has its autonomy and uniquely conveys the gift of the Holy Spirit. On Confirmation, every Christian bears witness to Christ’s truth. He or she should then awaken in people a sense of responsibility for the Church and in consequence salvation of the world. Receiving Confirmation has an influence on personal and social life of Christians. The quality of preparation and amount of good will affect the degree of this influence in daily life. The impact should manifest itself as tightening of the bond with Christ, multiplication of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and strengthening of the bond with Christ. As far as the social aspect is concerned, the confirmed person is to proclaim faith, bear responsibility for building the Church community, participate in the cult and contribute to the community’s work.
  • Miniatura
    Zrzeszenia rodzin katolickich w Polsce
    Śmigiel, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The very family is a home church, but it should belong to a larger group in case it needs multi-dimensional aid. The present article presents the founding ideas, unique character and the current condition of family associations in Poland. Such groups are initiated by the families themselves or members of the hierarchy. Yet, they are always a gift of the Holy Spirit, who thus grants them support and the charisma of renewal. Family experts stress that under the influence of family associations positive changes on many planes are taking place, both in the family and in its relationship with the world. It is hard to estimate the number of family associations in Poland as some of them are of informal character, while others are not focused on the family but they have many family elements in their formation programme. Roughly speaking, there are about 130 associations of families or pro-family groups in Poland. The establishment and care of family associations is a significant task of family pastoral care in Poland.
  • Miniatura
    Specyfika posługi charytatywnej Kościoła w ujęciu kard. Paula Josefa Cordesa
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    When announcing the encyclical Deus Caritas Est on December 25, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI added momentum to the discussion of the essence and unique nature of the Church’s charity work. In the discussion of such work, among others, P.J. Cordes’ voice is not to be ignored, not only due to the high position he holds (President of the Papal Council “Cor Unum”) but also his influential publications on charity theology, especially his latest book entitled: Helfer fallen nicht vom Himmel. Caritas und Spiritualität (Eng. Those who give help do not descend from heaven. Caritas and spirituality). In Cardinal’s view, nowadays institutionalized charity work demands an insight into political, economic, sanitary, anthropological and administrative spheres as well as practical skills proved by appropriate certificates. All of this is important and necessary, yet insufficient from the perspective of the charity organizations of the Catholic Church. Only a shift from the legal paradigm to the one of faith will permit a deeper insight into human poverty. Therefore, professionalization of the forms and means should be accompanied by a greater concern for spiritual formation of people who are either professionally or voluntarily involved in the charity mission of the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Przygotowanie do małżeństwa i życia w rodzinie w nauczaniu Kościoła katolickiego
    Kamiński, Jarosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The article discusses the continuous process of preparing the youth for marriage and family life, occurring in three stages: remote, proximate and immediate. Remote preparation commences already in childhood and hinges on gaining suitable knowledge and desirable attitudes towards marriage and family life. Proximate preparation covers high-school students and constitutes a kind of pre-marital catechesis, realized both in the school and parish. Immediate preparation is addressed chiefly to future married couples who are only several months from concluding marriage and establishing a family. Thorough preparation at the three stages influences not only the condition of the modern family but also future of the Church and all human beings.