Nieznana konferencja biskupa Karola Wojtyły o oddaniu i zawierzeniu Maryi
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
There is no doubt that the faith put in Mary was the guiding principle of John Paul Il’s piety and Marian spirituality. Therefore on 4 June 1979 in Jasna Góra he said: “I am a man of faith”. Saying these words meant introducing himself to the people. The theological conference of Karol Wojtyła, focusing on the devotion and faith put in Mother of God, is published for the first time in this article. The conference was probably held in Jasna Góra between the years 1958 and 1963. What we learn from it is the origin and the theological basis of the faith put in Mary. This, in turns, allows us to systematize the Pope’s teaching about it. We also learn about his further study and the effective development.
Zawiera tekst maszynopisu Karola Wojtyły pt. „Niektóre myśli o oddaniu się Matce Bożej”.
Słowa kluczowe
Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, konferencje, Maryja, oddanie, zawierzenie, zawierzenie Maryi, pobożność, duchowość, pobożność maryjna, przemówienia, John Paul II, conferences, Mary, devotion, entrustment, entrustment to Mary, devotion, spirituality, Marian devotion, speeches, popes, papieże
Analecta Cracoviensia, 2011, t. 43, s. 175-187.
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