Altruizm a miłość




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


The article tries to find common ground between altruism and love. First, the basic notions: altruism and love are presented. Then, the meaning of altruism is deepened through an analysis of motivational mechanisms which provide the basis for altruistic behaviour, and two types of altruistic behaviour, as described in the literature on the subject - exocentric and endocentric - are singled out. Finally, the author makes a reference to his own research on typology of altruism and shows personal correlatives of these two types of behaviour. Thus deepened notion of altruism can now become the subject of more precise comparisons between altruism and love. A conclusion is made that it is only in exocentric altruism - as opposed to endocentric - that common ground with love can be found.


Słowa kluczowe

miłość, altruizm, psychologia, socjobiologia, nauki empiryczne, próby badania miłości, metafizyka, Karol Wojtyła, Miłość i odpowiedzialność, wartości, zachowania altruistyczne, motywacja, empatia, zachowania prospołeczne, normy osobiste, altruizm endocentryczny, altruizm egzocentryczny, love, altruism, psychology, sociobiology, empirical studies, attempts to study love, metaphysics, Love and responsibility, values, altruistic behaviours, motivation, empathy, pro-social behaviours, personal norms, endocentric altruism, exocentric altruism, filozofia, philosophy


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2003, T. 35, s. 67-85.


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