Karol Wojtyla’s Efforts and Contemporary Attitudes towards Parenthood. Success or Failure
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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow
Not only during the period of his Pontificate, but also during previous years, the activity of Karol Wojtyła is worth recalling, appreciating and internalizing, and his preached and written teaching on responsible parenthood should be put into practice. The teaching about man, love, marriage, and parenthood is still relevant today. However, there are both those who support them as well as those who oppose them, particularly, opponents who avoid moral principles, especially in the field of the transmission of life. Therefore, a question arises about the effects of Cardinal Wojtyła’s efforts to protect the dignity of a child and a woman – mother, as well as morality in the area of procreation. The victory of the truth, visible in the encyclical Humanae vitae promulgated by Paul VI, is a success, while the spread of demoralization experienced to this day by groups promoting abortion and contraception and especially the poor moral condition of future spouses and parents, creates new challenges.
Słowa kluczowe
Karol Wojtyła, parenthood, responsible parenthood, family planning, family planning methods, attitudes towards procreation, procreation, rodzicielstwo, odpowiedzialne rodzicielstwo, planowanie rodziny, metody planowania rodziny, postawy wobec prokreacji, prokreacja
The Person and the Challenges, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 21-35.
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