Duszpasterskie wyzwania wobec Kościoła w Polsce. Dwie wizyty polskich biskupów ad limina Apostolorum w 1998 i 2005 roku




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


During their ad limina Apostolorum meetings with Polish bishops in 1998 and 2005 popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI delivered addresses to particular groups of bishops. Theis indications refer to some essential dimensions of socio-religious life and design a programme for the Church in Poland. Both Popes stress the need for a new evangelisation as the main task of pastoral care. The significant thing is to form a right conscience and mature faith among lay Catholics, their Christian commitment, especially in the realm of the mass media, Church groups, movements, and associations. It is necessary to take more time to prepare candidates for priesthood and then provide permanent formation for them. Pastoral care for the youth calls for intensive steps. It is necessary to support families, the weak, the sick, and the poor. John Paul II with a great tact referred to the internal socio-religious matters of Poland, stressed the need to build unity in the Episcopate of Poland and among citizens. According to the late Pope, the Church in Poland stands a chance to rebuild its tie with the world of culture, and nobody should treated as a lost person for the Gospel. With regard to Polish affairs, Benedict XVI often refers to his predecessor, stresses the need for a parochial catechesis and the role of the church mass media. He thinks it is very important to develop a sense of fellowship in the parish through the activity of boards.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Author.

Słowa kluczowe

duszpasterstwo młodzieży, duszpasterze, Episkopat Polski, episkopat, Kościół a kultura, Kościół, kultura, laikat, świeccy, nowa ewangelizacja, ewangelizacja, duszpasterstwo, Kościół w Polsce, biskupi, wizyty ad limina Apostolorum, młodzież, teologia, teologia pastoralna, pastoral care for the youth, priesthood, Polish Episcopacy, episcopate, Church versus culture, Church, culture, laity, laypeople, new evangelization, evangelization, ministry, Church in Poland, bishops, ad limina Apostolorum visits, youth, theology, pastoral theology, wyzwanie, challenge, wyzwania duszpasterskie, pastoral challenges


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 6, s. 271-287.


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