Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Homilia a ewangelizacja współczesnego świata
    Broński, Włodzimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Evangelisation is the principal function of the Church. Its purpose is to arouse a living, conscious, and responsible faith among all the people capable of receiving the Gospel. Its addressees are people living under concrete circumstances of the contemporary world. The multiple transformations in the world affect their lives and shape a definite model of the man, the listener of the word of God. Now the priest, by preaching a homily, should bear it in his mind. Otherwise, even though the homily of its essence is an effective tool in conducting evangelisation, its improper preparation and preaching can make it difficult for the hearers to meet God in the word that is being preached.
  • Miniatura
    Specyfika homilijnej parenezy
    Dyk, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The subject-matter of a homily, apart from kerygmatic contents and stage directions, existential and mystagogic contents, is also parenesis (moral admonition, calling, exhort). Homily parenesis should be in accord with the dialogical nature of the Revelation and offer faith in God. Only afterwards can it call to adopt respective moral attitudes. Moral callings should be preceded by an address about the salvific working of God, and about that fact that in the Liturgy God alone makes man able to take the challenges of the Gospel. Homily parenesis should also be written in the logic of the liturgical year. Moral callings should be justified and formulated in the way which can be put into practice in everyday life. Weak parenesis should be alien to homily preaching, as it is devoid of a proper (historical-salvific and anthropological) motivation. Weak parenesis ignores the true problems of the hearers, resorts to superficial appeals, emotions, and fear. Using parenesis, one should avoid moralising.
  • Miniatura
    Katecheza i liturgia
    Kiciński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Theological reflection tends to make anew the unity between the basic dimensions of Christian life, which in history have separated from one another. One notices a return to the tradition of ancient catechumenat as a model of any catechesis, indicating the fruitful synthesis between celebration, listening to the word of God, confession of faith, and Christian experience. Catechesis has ceased to be identified with the catechism, where one by questions and answers could learn also about the Liturgy. Catechesis has come back to the basic goal, i.e. teaching people how to interpret life in the light of the word of God and celebrate this life in faith, the life which God, following His plan, shapes in the human being. Thus the postulate to develop the forms of catechetic activities according to the pattern of the broadened method to revise life: to see, to evaluate, to act, and to celebrate.
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ aktywności religijnej na działalność ludzką
    Krzysteczko, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Research which has been carried out in Upper Silesia in the group of 1030 women reveal that there is a close correlation between religious activity and other fields of human activity. The Scale of Religious Activity based on the most prominent signs of religiousness for an average worshiper such as: declaring one’s faith, participating in religious practices, religious up-bringing of children, involvement in parish community life, awareness of interdependence between beliefs and religious activity, and family harmony have been used in the research project. The findings have shown that religious activity favourably correlates with such issues as: opting for family as the most important value in life, partnership in marriage, community life in the family, trusting children, sharing responsibility in decision-making, spending much time together, and celebrating religious festivities. Family background has great impact on religious activity – the better the relations in family are, the higher the religious activity in the family is.
  • Miniatura
    Funkcja pasterska prezbitera w świetle adhortacji apostolskiej „Pastores dabo vobis”
    Lipiec, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    According to John Paul II, the pastoral function, aside to the magisterial and sacerdotal functions, belongs to the basic functions to make the Church present. The pastoral function of the priest has its Christological and ecclesiological grounds. Holding the pastoral function consists in participating in the pastoral office of Jesus Christ, the Head and Pastor of the Church. The essence of the pastoral function is to govern church community in the spirit of love and service. The pastoral function should be carried out in a close contact with a bishop, who is the keystone of the unity of the particular Church.
  • Miniatura
    Posługa Kościoła wobec narkomanów w świetle dokumentu Papieskiej Rady do Spraw Duszpasterstwa Zdrowia „Kościół, narkotyki i narkomania. Podręcznik duszpasterski”
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The phenomenon of drug addiction is thought to be one of the most important pathologies of our civilisation. It calls for effective and decisive measures to be taken, intended to stop the rising consumption of drugs, especially among young people. Dependence on drugs is also a challenge for the Church who has for many years taken various actions in this area. In 2001 the Papal Board for the Pastoral Care of Health published a broad document entitled The Church, Drugs, and Drug Addiction. A Pastoral Handbook. The document contains a comprehensive interpretation of the issue of drug addiction from the perspective of the pastoral ministry of the Church. The paper makes an attempt to answer the question what the Church’s ministry to drug addicts in the world should consist in. This is in the light of the document in question. First, the Church’s indications with regard to drug addiction have been shown. They are the grounds on which the ministry for addicts should be based. Then the subject of this ministry has been indicated, i.e. persons who in particular should take this task. Eventually, the most important actions have been given. According to the document of the Papal Board for the Pastoral Care of Health, the Church should take such measures in the realm of drug prevention and therapy.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół w procesie unifikacji Europy
    Pamuła, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The process of uniting Europe is systematically progressing. The Polish influence and the success of Solidarity in 1989 played a big role in the social-political transformation that has taken place. This transformation was connected with Christianity, a context common to all of Europe. On this continent there was no question about the role that John Paul II played from the first moment of his election in 1978. As Pope, he wanted to strengthen and develop not only the religious life of people but also their social and economic values; he supported the integrative process that the European Union underlined and continued by recognising these values and deepening them because they are very near and dear for all peoples and countries.
  • Miniatura
    Eklezjalność drogi neokatechumenalnej
    Śmigiel, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The neo-catechumen way was established in 1964 in Madrid by Kiko Argiiello and Carmen Hernandez as a proposal of permanent formation for adults. It was designed to bring them to conversion and join the evangelisation community of the Church. The ecclesiastic character of neocatechumenate is manifested in the total submission to church hierarchy, love for the liturgy, prayer, and the word of God. Through work in small groups neo-catechumens are gradually introduced to the fellowship of the parish and the diocese. A gift of the Way for the universal Church are also numerous vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, e.g. diocesan, international, and missionary Seminars “Redemptoris Mater”, disseminated all over the world. They prepare priests from neo-catechumenate. The ecclesiastic character of the Way is testified by wandering catechists, priests, and families in mission who evangelise among non-Christians or in de-Christianised milieus. The canonical recognition of the ecclesiastic character is granted in the “Statutes of the Neo-catechumen Way,” affirmed by the Papal Board for the Lay People of 2002 for the period of five years. Neo-catechumen fellowships prudently directed by the hierarchy and catechists contribute to the renewal of pastoral care.
  • Miniatura
    Kontekst duszpasterski wychowania do wiary. Perspektywa teologicznopastoralna
    Przybyłowski, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The Church conducts a salvific activity – this is its principal mission. In the pastoral activity, which is to fulfil the salvific mission, there is a need to place the formative function. The Church brings up people, but pedagogical tasks belong to a human activity, in accord with the principle of relative autonomy of the human person. Christian formation in its essence is formation to faith which comes from listening. Owing to Christian formation, the human being may grow in faith by learning the commandments, being open to the truth and beauty, and also by his moral sense, his freedom and voice of conscience, his way to everlasting happiness. Participation in the plan of creation may lead man to know God the Creator, whereas the recognition of God the Saviour and following the way of salvation are possible only because of the co-operation between man and the grace of faith.
  • Miniatura
    Zagadnienia społeczne w homiliach piekarskich podczas pielgrzymek świata pracy
    Szewczyk, Leszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Pilgrimages of men and young men to Piekary, called pilgrimages of the labour world, have very specific contents with a broad social theme. The main social questions discussed in Piekary preaching of the last twenty years are the following: work, nation, family, solidarity, social justice, protection of the environment, peace, international relations, politics, and truth in interpersonal relations. Piekary preaching has shown that priests are aware of the necessity to preach about social issues.
  • Miniatura
    Odnowa duszpasterstwa i apostolstwa parafialnego w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
    Robek, Edmund (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    There is a natural and organic bond between the pastoral ministry and the apostolate. The pastoral ministry can function without apostolate and – on the other hand – if there is no pastoral ministry the apostolate can exist, however the latter separation weakens both activities. These two activities are closely related and have the same source: both arise from Christ’s priesthood, mature in the same ecclesiastical environment, connect and involve members of the Christian community. Of course, the pastoral ministry and the apostolate can choose a different approach for their life style. The main question is how to maintain and support such a special bond existing behem, so that they could create the two-poles integrated ecclesiastical activity. The coexistence and welcoming collaboration between pastoral ministry and apostolate decisively influence the imaging quality of the parish community and determine a success in every Church’s task; it should lead also to a universal responsibility for the evangelisation. The priests and the apostles need a “place” for their activity. It is a parish community in which a pastoral mission connects with an apostolic responsibility within the Church. The parish is an ordinary place to generate new vocations to the priesthood which require a communitarian feeling to grow.
  • Miniatura
    Świadomość wychowawcza rodziców o zróżnicowanej postawie religijnej
    Tomkiewicz, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The principal purpose of this paper is to show the influence of the religious factor on the formative awareness of parents. In order to carry out this purpose empirical research was conducted among a group of parents (220 persons). Two research methods have been used: the scale of intensity of religious attitudes and the scale of formative awareness. Out of the whole population under study two groups have been distinguished: of high religious attitude (52 persons) and low religious attitude (55 persons). The findings were distinguished by means of the scale of formative awareness and subjected to the quantitative and qualitative analysis. It turned out that parents with a high religious attitude greater formative awareness than parents with a low religious attitude. The differences were statistically essential in as many as five scales. These parents manifest a considerably greater responsibility and thoughtfulness in the upbringing of their children.
  • Miniatura
    Wiara, nadzieja i miłość jako podstawowe warunki dialogu zbawienia
    Wal, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The Church of Christ’s will initiates a salvific dialogue with the whole mankind throughout its history. The dialogical awareness of the Church was made particularly profound during the pontificate of John Paul II and the Second Vatican Council. The principal conditions of the dialogue of salvation are as follows: faith, hope, and love. The vertical and horizontal character of those virtues makes it that they first direct us to the dialogue with God, and, in consequence, determine the shape of the dialogue with our neighbours. The virtue of faith comprises three kinds of human activity which can be named as “believe,” “trust,” “to be faithful.” The virtue of hope is characterised by “yearning,” “trust,” and “encouragement.” Love is always communing with “somebody” (with God or man) and it calls for “presence” (being “towards”), “closeness” (being “with”), and “mutuality” (being “for”). In the practice of Christian life, also in the dialogue of salvation, one can never separate the love of God from the love of one’s neighbour, for they both are one. Faith, hope, and love are not only basic conditions of dialogue, but they also make a specific metalanguage; it is the metalanguage of “participation” in the life of God and people.
  • Miniatura
    Obraz świętości odczytany w encyklice Benedykta XVI „Deus caritas est”
    Werbiński, Ireneusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The paper discusses the issue of love, the essence of holiness, according to Benedict XVI’s encyclical letter Deus caritas est. The encyclical does not deal directly with the question of holiness, but it speaks about various dimensions of love, therefore the question of holiness is always present in it. Referring to the Bible, the encyclical shows first God as the source of love, then man as the one gifted with love by God and at the same time called to witness to it. The encyclical speaks much about the development of love, its ecclesiastic and charismatic character.
  • Miniatura
    Dynamizm miłości pasterskiej
    Drożdż, Bogusław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The pattern for pastoral love is the concern of the Good Shepherd for his sheep. It unites them in the only Saviour of mankind – Jesus Christ – through participation in His evangelical way of life. The source of pastoral love is Christ the Good Shepherd. The Person of Christ is the fundamental subject of this love. Only participation of particular members of the people of God in the pastoral love of Christ can there be revealed the truly dynamic character of actions taken in the Church. Pastoral love made concrete enlivens from within the ecclesial fellowship and ensures the power of evangelisation for the Church towards mankind.
  • Miniatura
    Początki pontyfikatu Benedykta XVI na łamach „Rzeczpospolitej” w 2005 roku
    Lewandowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    In the Polish daily „Rzeczpospolita” of 2005 there were ca. 345 verbal press units devoted to the person and activity of first Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Pope Benedict XVI. They were pieces of information (paragraphs, news), and opinion-forming pieces (articles, commentaries). Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger belonged to the closest co-workers of John Paul II, holding the function of the prefect of the Congregation for the Teaching of Faith. The media called him “a strict guardian of the doctrine,” counting him in the conservative line of the cardinal collegium. He belonged to the group of favourite candidates for a pope and was the author of the famous devotions for the Way of the Cross in the Coliseum. His sermons at the funeral of John Paul II and the beginning of the conclave were highly acclaimed; he presided at the conclave as the Dean of cardinal collegium. It was no surprise when Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope. The first months of his pontificate were closely scrutinised and commented by the media. He was compared to his Predecessor: differences and continuation were noticed as well. It was anticipated that the new pontificate would strive after moral regeneration based on firm principles, that the new pope would care about the intellectual discipline of the Catholic doctrine, the development of Christian culture, that he would be a pope of dialogue.
  • Miniatura
    Wybrane ujęcia pedagogiki religii
    Mąkosa, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    For many years there has been an ongoing discussion among teachers and religion teachers on the essence and role of the pedagogy of religion. Despite lots of efforts and publications concerning this issue, the problem has not been finally solved. The paper is yet another opinion in this discussion, attempting to show some approaches to the pedagogy of religion. The following problems have been presented: pedagogy of religion in the strict sense, pedagogy of religion as Christian pedagogy, and pedagogy of religion as religious education. It seems that there are three most common ways to understand the pedagogy of religion. Aside to the essence of this discipline in various approaches, there have been attempts to define its epistemological status. One should hope that another opinion in the ongoing debate will make the solution of the problem in question come closer.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterskie wyzwania wobec Kościoła w Polsce. Dwie wizyty polskich biskupów ad limina Apostolorum w 1998 i 2005 roku
    Półtorak, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    During their ad limina Apostolorum meetings with Polish bishops in 1998 and 2005 popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI delivered addresses to particular groups of bishops. Theis indications refer to some essential dimensions of socio-religious life and design a programme for the Church in Poland. Both Popes stress the need for a new evangelisation as the main task of pastoral care. The significant thing is to form a right conscience and mature faith among lay Catholics, their Christian commitment, especially in the realm of the mass media, Church groups, movements, and associations. It is necessary to take more time to prepare candidates for priesthood and then provide permanent formation for them. Pastoral care for the youth calls for intensive steps. It is necessary to support families, the weak, the sick, and the poor. John Paul II with a great tact referred to the internal socio-religious matters of Poland, stressed the need to build unity in the Episcopate of Poland and among citizens. According to the late Pope, the Church in Poland stands a chance to rebuild its tie with the world of culture, and nobody should treated as a lost person for the Gospel. With regard to Polish affairs, Benedict XVI often refers to his predecessor, stresses the need for a parochial catechesis and the role of the church mass media. He thinks it is very important to develop a sense of fellowship in the parish through the activity of boards.
  • Miniatura
    Kryteria historyczności cudów Jezusa
    Rusecki, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The paper discusses the issue of the historicity of Jesus’ miracles. In the contemporary (lay, Protestant, also some Catholic) thinking Jesus’ miracles are questioned either in general, or some of them. Meanwhile, in the Divine Revelation they fulfil important functions, not only motivational. In the light of literature the author showed three groups of criteria which weigh in favour of their historicity. They are as follows: 1. historical criteria for the authenticity of Jesus’ miracles (in this group we have discussed: criterion of multiple confirmation, criterion of conformity between Jesus’ miracles and the Palestine milieu, criterion of non-continuity and non-conformity, criterion of necessary explanation); 2. literary-historical criteria (here the following: criterion of internal comprehension, narration and criterion of conformity to the essence and difference of details); 3. criteria of theological conformity (criterion of conformity between Jesus’ miracles and the main ideas of the salvific message, and criterion of conformity between Jesus’ words and deeds). The author came to a conclusion that all the groups of criteria should be taken together. Then they provide a greater certainty as the historical character of Jesus’ miracles. As a whole, they are a save foundation for theological research.
  • Miniatura
    Zespołowa koordynacja działań katechetycznych
    Wrońska, Halina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    In order to accomplish optimal results in the organisation of catechesis it is indispensable to co-ordinate actions taken within the framework of catechetic mission and pastoral work. The coordination of catechesis is an important task for the particular Church. It may be considered with catechesis itself, among its various forms directed to different age groups and social milieus, in reference to the relations the catechist has with other forms of the ministry of the word and with other evangelising activities. The basis of co-ordination is a co-operation of various persons and systems of action. This co-operation should not violate their individual character, but should take into account their charismatic direction on the church fellowship. Such a co-ordination is possible only on the basis of the hierarchic structure of the Church, but considering the dialogue as the most effective way to understand all the subjects of action.