Uwagi o obecnej pozycji personalizmu chrześcijańskiego w kulturze mentalnej Europy




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


Present crisis of eastern culture is conditioned wrong understanding of human, more as natural being than personal one (fleshly-spiritual). It entails the crisis of humanism and equation human with natural world. In the light of dominant naturalism in understanding a human, it is pointless to speak about human dignity. Christian personalizm of different kinds wants to reintroduce to scientific and social discourse the notion of human nature, human soul and primarily the understanding of human being in the philosophical sense. This point of view does not depreciate professional knowledge about human which is gained in detailed studies. It is only necessary its addendum in scientific aspects proper to classical philosophy. It seems as well, that Christian personalizm giving integral vision of human can introduce very inspiring elements to the present discourse in the field of understanding the law, morality and social order.


Słowa kluczowe

antropologia, filozofia, antropologia filozoficzna, błąd antropologiczny, błąd naturalistyczny, Bóg, ciało, człowiek, dusza, ewolucjonizm, godność, godność ludzka, humanizm, mózg, naturalizm, natura ludzka, natura, neodarwinizm, osoba, personalizm, podmiot, prawo naturalne, sztuczna inteligencja, świadomość, anthropology, philosophy, philosophical anthropology, anthropological fallacy, naturalistic fallacy, God, body, human, soul, evolutionism, dignity, human dignity, humanism, brain, naturalism, nature, human nature, Neo-Darwinism, person, personalism, subject, natural law, artificial intelligence, consciousness, personalizm chrześcijański, Christian personalism, chrześcijaństwo, Christianity


Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 8, s. 375-394.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland