Naturalistyczny sceptycyzm René Descartes’a




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Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein


In this paper we analyse Descartes’ methodological scepticism. We consider wether this scepticism is well gronded. In our opinion Descares accepts some premises which are not prooved in any way. For example he uses some parts of classical logic, especially the law of excluded middle. This law, and other elements used in methodological scepticism, are not the subject of any consideration. They take part in methodological scepticism but are not the subject of any doubt. If we agree with such objection Descartes’ procedure occurred to be dogmatic. In our consideration we also try to show that Descartes’ scepticism is founded on a kind of naturalism. It is important that in his strategy french philosopher do not use irrationalistic elements which we can find in saint Augustin doctrin.


Słowa kluczowe

René Descartes, Kartezjusz, filozofia, philosophy, sceptycyzm, naturalizm, naturalistyczny sceptycyzm, sceptycyzm metodyczny, scepticism, naturalism, naturalistic scepticism, methodological scepticism, logika, logic, petitio principii, język, language


Studia Paradyskie, 2010, t. 20, s. 11-16.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland