Wiodące idee adhortacji apostolskiej Familiaris consortio
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II
W dniu kanonizacji św. Jana Pawła II, 27 kwietnia 2014 roku, papież Franciszek nazwał go „papieżem rodzin” ze względu na jego wielki wkład w nauczanie o małżeństwie i rodzinie. Szczególnym wyrazem tego nauczania jest adhortacja Familiaris consortio, której przewodnie idee są następujące: małżeństwo sakramentalnym przymierzem, zadania rodziny oraz rodzina Kościołem domowym. Rozważając dokumenty III Nadzwyczajnego Synodu Biskupów (5–18 X 2014) poświęconego małżeństwu i rodzinie i przygotowującego do synodu o rodzinie w 2015 roku, warto przypomnieć nauczanie Jana Pawła II na ten temat.
On 27 April 2104, that is, on the day of canonization of John Paul II, pope Francis called him – „The Pope of families”. He did it due to St. John Paul’s immense contribution to the development of the church teaching on marriage and family. Of particular significance within the teaching of St. John Paul was the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio. The leading ideas of the document are as follows: sacramental marriage, marriage covenant, tasks of the family, and family as „the domestic Church”. Reflecting on the documents of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops held in the Vatican from 5 to 19 October 2014, dedicated to marriage and family, and preparing for the Synod of Bishops on the Family that was held in 2015, it is expedient to recall the teaching of St. John Paul II on this matter.
On 27 April 2104, that is, on the day of canonization of John Paul II, pope Francis called him – „The Pope of families”. He did it due to St. John Paul’s immense contribution to the development of the church teaching on marriage and family. Of particular significance within the teaching of St. John Paul was the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio. The leading ideas of the document are as follows: sacramental marriage, marriage covenant, tasks of the family, and family as „the domestic Church”. Reflecting on the documents of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops held in the Vatican from 5 to 19 October 2014, dedicated to marriage and family, and preparing for the Synod of Bishops on the Family that was held in 2015, it is expedient to recall the teaching of St. John Paul II on this matter.
Słowa kluczowe
małżeństwo sakramentalne, służba życiu, wychowanie, rodzina, Kościół domowy, edukacja, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, adhortacja apostolska, Familiaris consortio, dokumenty Kościoła, sacramental marriage, service of life, upbringing, family, domestic Church, education, John Paul II, popes, clergy, priesthood, apostolic exhortation
Polonia Sacra, 2016, R. 20, Nr 1 (42), s. 127-140.
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