Od bierzmowania w życiu i posłudze pasterskiej Karola Wojtyły do „bierzmowania dziejów” Jana Pawła II
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
Artykuł ukazuje działanie Ducha Świętego w życiu chrześcijan i w apostolskiej misji Kościoła. Przypomina o roli modlitwy do Ducha Świętego w życiu Karola Wojtyły oraz jego zaangażowanie duszpasterskie związane z udzielaniem sakramentu bierzmowania. Pełniąc posługę biskupa krakowskiego, kładł on nacisk na wyjaśnienie teologii bierzmowania i jego znaczenia w życiu chrześcijanina i wspólnoty Kościoła. Jako przewodniczący Komisji Apostolstwa Świeckich, działającej w ramach Konferencji Episkopatu Polski, zaproponował przeprowadzenie zmian w programie pastoralnym, mających na celu większe podkreślenie znaczenia bierzmowania dla apostolstwa młodych. Podczas papieskich wizyt w Polsce w 1979 i 1991 roku Jan Paweł II dokonał odnowy sakramentu bierzmowania w wymiarze eklezjalnym, narodowym i historycznym, zwracając tym samym uwagę na działanie Ducha Świętego w sercach ludzi i w historii.
The article shows the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians and in the apostolic mission of the Church. It underlines the role of prayer to the Holy Spirit in Karol Wojtyła’s life as well as his apostolic commitment associated with receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. During his pastoral ministry as the Bishop of Krakow he gave special attention to explain the doctrine of this sacrament; putting out its significance for individuals and parish communities. Cardinal Wojtyła, as the head of Commission for the Lay Apostolate in the Polish Episcopate, proposed some specific reforms in the pastoral programs to increase the significance of Confirmation for the apostolic engagement of young people. He was convinced that different forms of renewal of Confirmation were needed in the pastoral life of the Church. During his visit in Poland in 1979 and 1991, John Paul II proposed a rite of renewal in the historical context, emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit in contemporary history and the need to be open to his work in ours lives.
The article shows the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians and in the apostolic mission of the Church. It underlines the role of prayer to the Holy Spirit in Karol Wojtyła’s life as well as his apostolic commitment associated with receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. During his pastoral ministry as the Bishop of Krakow he gave special attention to explain the doctrine of this sacrament; putting out its significance for individuals and parish communities. Cardinal Wojtyła, as the head of Commission for the Lay Apostolate in the Polish Episcopate, proposed some specific reforms in the pastoral programs to increase the significance of Confirmation for the apostolic engagement of young people. He was convinced that different forms of renewal of Confirmation were needed in the pastoral life of the Church. During his visit in Poland in 1979 and 1991, John Paul II proposed a rite of renewal in the historical context, emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit in contemporary history and the need to be open to his work in ours lives.
Słowa kluczowe
Karol Wojtyła, Jan Paweł II, Duch Święty, bierzmowanie, papieże, arcybiskupi, duszpasterstwo, posługa pasterska, Kraków, modlitwa, wiara, dary Ducha Świętego, sakramenty, John Paul II, Holy Spirit, confirmation, popes, archbishops, ministry, pastoral ministry, Cracow, prayer, faith, gifts of the Holy Spirit, sacraments
Analecta Cracoviensia, 2014, T. 46, s. 7-30.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland