Tutela giuridica della professione religiosa ad tempus emissa




Tytuł czasopisma

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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


The question, which launched our study, concerns the problem of the legal possibilities carried out in order to protect canonically the state of the consecrated life even though assumed temporary. Firstly, the Author tries to focus on the meaning of the canonical state and canonical status of the consecrated persons. The aim is to point out that it is not appropriate to simply consider condicio as the state sic et simpliciter in the meaning of the legislation of the 1983 Code. In a second moment, the Author analyses the hypothesis relates to lose the proper canonical status, especially this one assumed ad tempus. The question the Author tries to answer concerns legal possibilities and appropriates manners in order to protect the single consecrated religious. Finally, the Author presents the main thesis of this paper, relates to the pre-establishment of the proof. In this perspective, it is very convenient for both the religious Authority and an individual religious to document the proper acts/activities even though, in case of the legal Superiors, deprived of binding force.


Artykuł w języku włoskim.

Słowa kluczowe

canonical state, condicio, consecrated life, religious profession, pre-establishment of proof, legal protection, consecrated persons, stan kanoniczny, życie konsekrowane, profesja zakonna, wstępne przedstawienie dowodu, ochrona prawna, osoby konsekrowane, stato canonico, vita consacrata, professione religiosa, precostituzione della prova, tutela giuridica, persone consacrate


The Person and the Challenges, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 225-241.


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