The Person and the Challenges, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1

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    Der katholische Glaubensbegriff und Toleranz. Inspirationen von Paweł Włodkowic
    Zyzak, Wojciech (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    Paweł Włodkowic – Latin Paulus Vladimiri (1370-1435): Catholic priest, scholar, jurist, religious and political writer, rector of the Jagiellonian University, defender of Polish interests in disputes with Knights of the Teutonic Order. Paweł Włodkowic was an early teacher of the idea of tolerance, who during the Council of Constance stated that pagan nations have the right to maintain their religious beliefs. Based on the major theological authority of that time, i.e. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Włodkowic could, in the very concept of faith in the Catholic Church, see the most important elements requiring tolerance. The point is, above all, that faith must be an act of human freedom, that it is God’s grace and that it is closely related to reason. These elements have been commented on by authorities such as Edith Stein and Joseph Ratzinger.
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    Some remarks on the conflict between faith and science
    Pabjan, Tadeusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    This paper deals with the conflict between faith and science. Since the issue is extensive, only selected aspects of this question are discussed. At first, the origin of the problem is outlined – it is argued, that the fundamental difference between the language and the method of science on one hand and of theology understood as a rational reflection on the truths of faith on the other is responsible for the conflict. Afterwards, two aspects of the conflict are presented – the first one concerns inconsistencies which appear on the plane of content – when some scientific statements or theorems seem to deny some theological claims; the second one involves differences in mentality and in worldview which appear on the plane of attitude. It is argued, that the content discrepancies can be eliminated with the help of two methods: of separation and of catharsis. But the differences in mentality which appear on the plane of attitude cannot be so easily eliminated. So finally the characteristics of these two different attitudes – of faith and of science – is discussed. It is argued, that a fundamental dissimilarity between the character of scientific knowledge (especially its empiricism) and of religious faith is a basic source of mutual estrangement and alienation.
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    Das christliche Leben als ein Weg – Elemente der Wallfahrtstheologie
    Ostrowski, Maciej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The Author presents some Biblical texts on symbolic meaning of a way. In theological meaning a way is a symbol of moving forward, developing, growing in the Christian faith, hope, love and wisdom. Progress in the development of sainthood of a person is of a great significance. In this context, the author refers to pilgrimage which is a symbol of the entire Christian life being approaching God. It covers many religious practices, which help to renew the Christian life, develop faith and love.
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    The Christian Understanding of Happiness
    Zwoliński, Andrzej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The relationship with God allows man to find the sense of life. Christianity is a humanism – it positions man in the very centre of the world according him the highest place – of the being created after God’s image. The revelation of God’s Love endows man with a new way of enriching himself and others. Thus the desire for happiness gains a new perspective of the divine longing for good. Happiness which Christ promises exceeds the limits of our imagination. It is inconceivable and incomprehensible to those living on earth. Heaven is beyond every word, beyond our conception for it bears the meaning which man cannot fully understand. It is the most supreme happiness, absolutely perfect and complete which no one has ever known. A Christian has to achieve in his life something more than the worldly aims. Whoever limits their life to the earth, focuses only on enjoying and using this life to the full; squeezing from it the last drop heedless of the needs of others.
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    Seine Heiligkeit Benedikt XVI. — Doktor honoris causa der Päpstlichen Universität Johannes Paul II. in Krakau
    Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
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    Prof. Elie Wiesel — Doktor honoris causa der Päpstlichen Universität Johannes Paul II. in Krakau
    Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
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    Die Werteerziehung im Lehrwerk Johannes Pauls II
    Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    An in‑depth analysis of writings of John Paul II leads to a conclusion that the Pope cared for upbringing that would foster to values. He clearly indicated that the person is to be viewed as the foundation of the process of upbringing and also stressed the significance of upbringing towards life in the family, nation and Church. The author of this article accounts for and presents the problem of upbringing towards values, which is interpreted from the teachings of John Paul II. First, the author indicates the complementary character of education, religion and faith, then they are oriented towards the world of values and the Christian hierarchization of these values.
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    Transition to Parenthood and Susceptibility to Divorce: qualitative research of divorced young parents in Slovenia
    Rijavec Klobučar, Nataša (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    Transition to parenthood is a vulnerable period for spouses and can consequently lead to the disintegration of their relationship. The purpose of this research was to examine the experience of this transition, circumstances and risk factors for divorce from the perspective of divorcees in Slovenia who divorced in the first year of their child’s life. On the basis of semi-structured interviews with 15 divorcees, the findings of studies examining changes after the birth of a child were confirmed. The results pointed to risk factors for marriage, such as uncertain relationship between spouses prior to the childbirth, permeable boundaries in relations with families of origin, lack of practical and emotional support, and unreal expectations. The child’s arrival accentuates unsolved issues from the past and brings additional vulnerability to the relationship. The findings of this research are a contribution to the development of preventive, educative and therapeutic programmes for couples in transition to parenthood.
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    Against Relativism. The Importance of Truth in the Ethics of St. John Paul II
    Probucka, Dorota (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The main aim of the paper is the analysis and critique of axiological relativism, typical of contemporary Western culture. Its supporters deny the objective status of moral norms and values. Axiological relativism leads to moral indifference based on blurring the difference between good and evil, and negating the belief that human action may be morally better or worse. I present the anti‑relativistic position of St. John Paul II, particularly in relation to the truth, understood as a cognitive and moral value. According to the Pope, a civilization based on the belief of the relative nature of good and evil leads to widespread hypocrisy and is destined to a slow decline.
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    Der Tod des Papstes Johannes Paul II. – ein wissenschaftlicher Vergleich von journalistischen Reaktionen auf den Tod des Papstes in Deutschland und in Polen
    Nadskakuła‑Kaczmarczyk, Olga (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The aim of this article is to present the reactions of the Polish and German press to the death of Pope John Paul II, compare and analyze them. This approach allows to understand the differences between Polish and German perception of religion, particularly Christianity and the Catholic Church. Poland and Germany have different religious traditions, a different relationship to the church and to church dogma, rituals and piety. This may be observed as the different ways of looking at the death of Pope John Paul II in Polish and German newspapers. Probably these perceptual differences ensued from the paternal figure of the John Paul II and special emotional Polish attitude to the deceased Polish Pope.
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    Tutela giuridica della professione religiosa ad tempus emissa
    Michowicz, Przemysław (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The question, which launched our study, concerns the problem of the legal possibilities carried out in order to protect canonically the state of the consecrated life even though assumed temporary. Firstly, the Author tries to focus on the meaning of the canonical state and canonical status of the consecrated persons. The aim is to point out that it is not appropriate to simply consider condicio as the state sic et simpliciter in the meaning of the legislation of the 1983 Code. In a second moment, the Author analyses the hypothesis relates to lose the proper canonical status, especially this one assumed ad tempus. The question the Author tries to answer concerns legal possibilities and appropriates manners in order to protect the single consecrated religious. Finally, the Author presents the main thesis of this paper, relates to the pre-establishment of the proof. In this perspective, it is very convenient for both the religious Authority and an individual religious to document the proper acts/activities even though, in case of the legal Superiors, deprived of binding force.
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    Types of hope and action styles of adolescents
    Myślińska, Aleksandra; Śliwak, Jacek; Partyka, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The problem discussed in this article concerns the relationship between hope and action styles in adolescents. An action style is a way in which man perceives and responds to the outside world, and it may be aimed at securing oneself or interacting with the surroundings. The main aim of this analysis was to find out if, and to what degree, the level of hope is connected with action styles. The following hypotheses are proposed: H – 1. There is a relationship between hope and an action style. H- 2. Persons with different types of hope are characterised by different styles of action. H – 3. Persons with a high level of hope have a cooperation -oriented style. H – 4. Persons with a low level of hope are often characterised by a style aimed at protecting themselves. 149 persons aged 17 – 18 participated in the study. The following methods were used: the Basic Hope Inventory (BHI-12) – compiled by Trzebiński and M. Zięba, the Hope for Success Questionnaire (KNS) – adaptation of C. R. Snyder’s questionnaire made by M. Łaguna, J. Trzebiński and M. Zięba, as well as the Action Styles Questionnaire by Z. Uchnast. The results obtained have allowed the researchers to form the opinion that hope helps individuals function better in the world. The way in which a person perceives the world and their own capabilities translates into the style of action which they choose. A person who is full of hope seeks self -actualisation as well as cooperation with others.
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    Vi sono ragioni della libertà note al cuore e all’intelletto: il triplo sguardo sulla libertà espresso nei Ritiri spirituali di Parigi di Józef Tischner
    Mizdrak, Inga (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    In its analysis of human freedom, Józef Tischner’s philosophy poses fundamental questions about the essence of freedom, but also about the sense of preservation of freedom in one’s life. Freedom appears as a primary phenomenon, something that is part and parcel of human nature. Freedom as a structural element of human existence manifests itself perhaps most clearly in the sphere of human relations, which, immersed as they are in the eternal drama of good and evil, are played out in the space between salvation and damnation. The binary character of values, best seen in our use of freedom, keeps us for ever mindful of that unavoidable drama a man has to face, owing to his freedom, need not be helpless. Using such categories as election, space and health of the soul in his Rekolekcje Paryskie, Tischner approaches the definition of freedom through a succession of essential modifications which articulate some fundamental points concerning relations between people and man’s relations with God from an anthropological, axiological, ethical, social and theological perspective. Tischner proposes no definitive interpretation of freedom but, viewing the controversy over freedom as one of the most difficult problems in the philosophy of man, he tries to show what man’s inner freedom consists in and what achievements it makes man capable of.
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    Civitas antigua y formación de las estructuras personales
    Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The concept of the city (civitas) does not necessarily have to mean an urban organization. It may mean a collection of localities, or a territory where some ethnic groups live (tribu). First of all, the development of personal structures happened initially in the families and was connected with a domestic cult. With time, several families used to make a separate group called fratria and a collection of them made up a tribu. This article shows how religion and a way of ruling affected the development of personal structures. Examples of this include are colonies and dioceses – personal structures of the Roman Empire. The task which lies before this article is to enlighten the reader that many of the modern personal structures, especially those deep -rooted in canon law, have had a source in ancient civitas. Present structures of Catholic Church have their basis on that original classification: a family, fratria, tribu. Today there exist: a parish, a vicariate forane, a diocese, and a collection of dioceses called an ecclesiastical province.
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    Christian beliefs and teaching in Fr. Zoricic’s writings – linguistic and theological approach
    Garmaz, Jadranka; Gaspar, Angelina (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    National cultural and religious heritage presents valuable repository of knowledge and wisdom. The article focuses on the understanding, classification and interpretation of Christian beliefs and the Gospel messages presented in the book of Fr. Zoricic (published in Venice 1780), whose theological thoughts were inspired and reinforced by various Italian and Latin writers of the time. The aim of this research is twofold: to preserve this rare spiritual book and to use it as a code of ethics. How was the dichotomy of good and evil presented in the Book? How did Zoricic describe Our Lady, God and the Body of Christ? To whom did he refer the most? To whom did he devote his writing? To be able to attempt answering these questions the Book was digitized, transcribed and transliterated.. On the basis of core terminology, extracted by natural language processing tool, a detailed linguistic analysis is provided.
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    Extracting the Creativity Within: A Review of Education and Creativity, edited by Elżbieta Osewska
    Dimech, Pauline (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
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    Particularidades de la relación entre el Consejo de asuntos económicos y el ecónomo en el Código de Derecho Canónico de Juan Pablo II
    Di Nicco, Jorge Antonio (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    The Finance Council and the finance officer support and work with the Bishop in the administration of the goods of the diocese. The relationship between the Council and the treasurer is not without some features, and the analysis of these peculiarities about this article. Both functions are presented and specific situations are discussed. Some concerning the various situations described, with special reference to the reality in Argentina statistical data are available. Suggestions aimed at optimal performance of their respective tasks are performed.