Działalność piśmiennicza bp. Stefana Bareły w latach 1945 – 1984




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”


Within the wide range of cultural activities of Bp. Stefan Bareła the writing activity occupied a special place. It reached content-wise a high level, thus his scientific background and the continuous improvement of his workshop were significant. Works that he wrote, not including administrative writing (decrees and orders), were created between 1945- 1984. They consisted of: scientific papers (21 publications in the field of moral theology, the theology of the inner life, canon law and Church history), pastoral writings (172 publications in the form of addresses, pastoral letters, homilies, sermons, speeches, proclamations, messages and interviews), the nonfiction works and the testament. The whole of his writing activity included 197 works. The quality of contents of these publications evidences wide interests of Bp. Bareła, but also indicates that he prepared them with special care and knowledge.


Słowa kluczowe

Stefan Bareła, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, historia Kościoła, homilia, kazania, komunikat, listy pasterskie, orędzie, piśmiennictwo, prawo kanoniczne, teologia, wywiady, bishops, clergy, priesthood, Church history, homily, sermons, message, pastoral letters, address, writing, canon law, speech, przemówienia, theology, interviews, Kościół, Church, historia, history, proclamation, statement, speeches


Veritati et Caritati, 2014, T. 3, s. 151-166.


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