Odtwarzanie poetyckiej struktury 1 Kor 1,17-2, 2 Studium tekstu i komentarz




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Paul of Tarsus has been called „artisan, scholar, traveller, leader of men”, and above all, but rarely if at all, poet. In this study we intend to demonstrate that Paul is in fact a highly skilled poet and that this aspect of his genius is brilliantly demonstrated in 1 Cor 1,17 - II, 2 which is a single poem whit a number of editorial comments and changes which fall into five types. These comments and changes can be clearly identified because of the precise nature of poetic from which the text preserves intact. The poetic from is here seen as new evidence for a wide range of questions relating to the text and its interpretation, it will be suggested that St. Paul is most probably the author of some of the editorial expansions and, if so, he is re-using older material. The overall structure of the poem will be examined first and then the individual sections. The editorial changes will be discussed as they occur. Finally, some summary of the significance of the poetic from will be attempted.


Tekst K. E. Bailey'a (Beirut, Liban) zamieszczony w „Novum Testamentom” nr 17(1975), ss. 265-296, w tłumaczeniu M. Ciunela.

Słowa kluczowe

1 Kor 1, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Pierwszy List do Koryntian, Paweł apostoł, poezja, poemat, interpretacja Biblii, Ewangelia, paralelizm, struktury poetyckie Nowego Testamentu, język grecki, tłumaczenia, przekłady, semantyka, Bible, New Testament, First Corinthians, Paul the Apostle, poetry, poem, interpretation of the Bible, gospel, parallelism, Greek, translations, semantics, interpretacja, interpretation, apostles, apostołowie, 1 Kor, literatura, literature


Polonia Sacra, 2001, R. 5 (23), Nr 8 (52), s. 5-47.


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