Zdrowie i jego brak w świetle Biblii
dc.contributor.author | Ziaja, Krystian | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-01-14T14:55:08Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-01-14T14:55:08Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2016 | |
dc.description.abstract | In the Bible, the most important divine and human work for Christians, we find a number of topics related to human existence on the earth. These are health issues as well – and these issues are discussed in the paper Health and its absence in the light of the Bible [the original tide: Zdrowie i jego brak w świetle Biblii]. I think it is worth taking a look of the problem of the man of the Bible’s approach to health and following the diseases that worried him or her because those are still current issues. It can be said in general that diseases have always plagued the human. The biblical text specifies it indicating that all kinds of ailments and diseases have been affecting the mankind since the time when God expatriated Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. Hebrews believed that the cause of the diseases is the sin committed by the human that must be punished by the God (Gn 12:17: Prv 23:29-32); or culpable sin by his ancestors (2 Sm 12:15). The disease could also affect the human due to the temptation of Satan (Lk 13:16). It should be noticed that in the times of the Old Testament, Hebrew related healing from the disease to the action of God. For example, the prophet Malachi wrote about the sun of justice carrying healing on its wings (Mal 3:20), and David worships the God, saying: „[He] who health all thy diseases” (Ps 103:3). The healing activity of Jesus Christ and the apostles is the completion of these Old Testament Authors’ thoughts, which is on the pages of the New Testament. The fitst part of the paper is about the disease as the evil affecting the human. The following issues were discussed: the disease in the non-biblical world, the perception of the disease in the Old Testament, and the disease in the light of the New Testament. Then, selectively and as examples, specific kinds of the ailments mentioned in the Bible were discussed. Among them, among others, there are mental disorders, skin diseases, etc. Analyzing the texts of the Bible relating to health and disease, it is important to realize that a merciful Samaritan resides within each of us, who stops at the ill, is deeply moved, comes up to him, and takes him to the place where he is cured and taken care for (Lk 10:30-37). I think chat remembering that the ill in the Christian world is the picture and the sign of Jesus Christ is no less important. John Paul II, who is the saint now, once said to the ill the following words: “Judging from the human point of view, you are weak and sick, but you are also very powerful; as powerful as Jesus Christ the Crucified”. | |
dc.identifier.citation | Scriptura Sacra, 2016, R. 20, s. 163-181. | |
dc.identifier.issn | 1428-7218 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 2391-9396 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/26204 | |
dc.language.iso | pl | |
dc.publisher | Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO | |
dc.rights | CC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkach | |
dc.subject | Biblia | |
dc.subject | Jezus Chrystus | |
dc.subject | lekarze | |
dc.subject | Zbawiciel | |
dc.subject | choroba | |
dc.subject | zdrowie | |
dc.subject | obrzezanie | |
dc.subject | poród | |
dc.subject | połóg | |
dc.subject | dieta wegetariańska | |
dc.subject | choroby w Biblii | |
dc.subject | choroby nowotworowe | |
dc.subject | zaburzenia nerwowe | |
dc.subject | choroby psychiczne | |
dc.subject | Pismo Święte | |
dc.subject | Stary Testament | |
dc.subject | Nowy Testament | |
dc.subject | biblistyka | |
dc.subject | otępienie | |
dc.subject | depresja | |
dc.subject | udar mózgu | |
dc.subject | padaczka | |
dc.subject | choroby skóry | |
dc.subject | trąd | |
dc.subject | łysienie | |
dc.subject | świerzb | |
dc.subject | grzybica | |
dc.subject | Bible | |
dc.subject | Jesus Christ | |
dc.subject | doctors | |
dc.subject | Saviour | |
dc.subject | disease | |
dc.subject | health | |
dc.subject | circumcision | |
dc.subject | childbirth | |
dc.subject | puerperium | |
dc.subject | vegetarian diet | |
dc.subject | diseases in the Bible | |
dc.subject | cancer | |
dc.subject | nervous disorders | |
dc.subject | mental illness | |
dc.subject | scripture | |
dc.subject | Old Testament | |
dc.subject | New Testament | |
dc.subject | biblical studies | |
dc.subject | dementia | |
dc.subject | depression | |
dc.subject | stroke | |
dc.subject | epilepsy | |
dc.subject | skin diseases | |
dc.subject | leprosy | |
dc.subject | alopecia | |
dc.subject | scabies | |
dc.subject | ringworm | |
dc.title | Zdrowie i jego brak w świetle Biblii | |
dc.title.alternative | Health and its absence in the light of the Bible | |
dc.type | Article |
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