O przykładach zastosowania alegoryzmów rememoratywnych w dwóch XVIII-wiecznych kazaniach




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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego


The article presents the problem of rememorative allegory. Such explanation of the liturgy had a very long tradition (9th century; Amalarius of Metz and Raban Maur). The Council of Trent tried to stop propagation of this method because of danger of abuse. But rememorative allegory was still alive. Drawing on two eighteenth-century sermons century, the author describes, how the preachers (Michał Łosiowic and Jan S.K. Wujkowski) present the mass as a rememorative drama, showing whole Christ’s life (Łosiowic) or passion of Christ (Wujkowski). Preachers try to explain laypeople the liturgical rites. They point out correspondenes between the phisical components of the mass and their spiritual referents. It seems to be an attempt of activation liturgy’s participants and sort of liturgical catechesis.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, kaznodziejstwo, kazania, preaching, sermons, XVIII w., alegoryzm rememoratywny, rememorative allegorism, liturgika, liturgics, liturgia, liturgy


Liturgia Sacra, 2012, R. 18, nr 1 (39), s. 101-112.


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