Wybrane aspekty usprawiedliwienia i pojednania człowieka z Bogiem według pieśni wielkopostnych ze śpiewnika Siedleckiego
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The elaboration is an analysis of the contents taken from the songs of Lent included in the 36th edition of the Church Songbook by priest J. Siedlecki. The Church Songbook which in this publication was one of the main sources, is the most widespread collection of liturgical songs in Polish folk piety. The subject of the work pointed to the interpretations of the songs of Lent, which in the Church Songbook are a significant part, which indicates the large wealth of works devoted to this period during the church year. The main issues addressed in this study were reconciliation and justification. These topics, which find their source in the texts of the Holy Bible, deal in particular with the fields of dogmatic and fundamental theology. The issue of justifying a sinful man has been portrayed. The justification took place in the Paschal event of Jesus Christ, who died and rose again to save mankind from the slavery of evil, sin and death. Man has access to grace of justification by the power of Christ's work and faith in his name. In this God's life, a man who does good deeds also deserves eternal life. The merit, although it is the work of man, ultimately comes from God's grace, whose action is primary and takes place out of Godʼs inspiration. From God's grace, man is also included in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel, because it is Godʼs will that all be redeemed.
Słowa kluczowe
reconciliation, songbooks, Lent, pojednanie, śpiewniki, Wielki Post, usprawiedliwienie, justification, pieśni wielkopostne, Lenten songs, pieśni religijne, religious songs, Jan Siedlecki
Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 2, s. 211-230.
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