Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 2

Stały URI dla kolekcji


Ostatnie zgłoszenia

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 9 z 9
  • Miniatura
    Necessary, Kenotically-donated, & Self-giving Love
    McCall, Bradford (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
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    Piekło według Biblii i nauczania Kościoła katolickiego
    Zieja, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
    The eternal life begins on earth, and the definitive resolution of the eternal state of man will take place on the judgment. Catholic Church teaches that every man after death goes to the judgment of God. People choose heaven or hell with their deeds. During the Last Judgment, God accepts this choice forever. Hell is not a punishment of God, but a conscious choice of man. Whoever rejects God and good deeds all his life, chooses hell. The one who remains in the state of hell is closed to God. He is extremely unhappy. Hell is an eternal separation from God who is the source of all sense. The greatest punishment of hell is the impossibility of being with God. Eternal life without God who is the greatest love becomes unimaginable suffering. God wants the salvation of all people, but a man with free will may reject Godʼs offer.
  • Miniatura
    Sytuacja dziecka jako świadka w procesie karnym – ochrona prawna dziecka w postępowaniu sądowym
    Symber, Justyna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
    The article presents the most important issues regarding legal guarantees granted to a minor in criminal proceedings in the problem system. Issues such as the tactics of hearing a minor, the role of a child in a criminal trial, a child as a victim, the duties of a child as a witness were mentioned in it. The article also points to the issue of proper preparation of procedural bodies for conducting procedural actions involving a child.
  • Miniatura
    Geneza i funkcjonowanie Ligi Katolickiej w diecezji lubelskiej (1927-1929)
    Michaluk, Kamil (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
    Social teaching of subsequent popes had to be brought to life. The efforts were intensified at the beginning of the XX century when pope Pius X announced the need for development of Catholic Actions in social life. The problem was later raised by Benedict XV and especially Pius XI. In Poland, the popes’ calls faced an uneven response. At first, the actions were taken in the Archdiocese of Cracow, and later by primate August Hlond. The Catholic League, as this was the name of the organization coordinating efforts of Catholic associations, was supposed to be further developed in other dioceses. Finally, its structure was supposed to be centralized. Between 1927 and 1929, a Catholic League was organized in the Diocese of Lublin. Amongst the efforts of its bishop, Marian Leon Fulman, its actions incorporated many cleric and secular persons. The efforts were made to develop local structures, make contact with the press and the General Committee of the League. Despite the propaganda developed also in Lublin’s press, boisterously announced actions ground to a halt. The aim of the article is to describe the origin, the structure and the importance of the Catholic League in the Diocese of Lublin.
  • Miniatura
    Wybrane aspekty usprawiedliwienia i pojednania człowieka z Bogiem według pieśni wielkopostnych ze śpiewnika Siedleckiego
    Kowalski, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
    The elaboration is an analysis of the contents taken from the songs of Lent included in the 36th edition of the Church Songbook by priest J. Siedlecki. The Church Songbook which in this publication was one of the main sources, is the most widespread collection of liturgical songs in Polish folk piety. The subject of the work pointed to the interpretations of the songs of Lent, which in the Church Songbook are a significant part, which indicates the large wealth of works devoted to this period during the church year. The main issues addressed in this study were reconciliation and justification. These topics, which find their source in the texts of the Holy Bible, deal in particular with the fields of dogmatic and fundamental theology. The issue of justifying a sinful man has been portrayed. The justification took place in the Paschal event of Jesus Christ, who died and rose again to save mankind from the slavery of evil, sin and death. Man has access to grace of justification by the power of Christ's work and faith in his name. In this God's life, a man who does good deeds also deserves eternal life. The merit, although it is the work of man, ultimately comes from God's grace, whose action is primary and takes place out of Godʼs inspiration. From God's grace, man is also included in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel, because it is Godʼs will that all be redeemed.
  • Miniatura
    Miejsca święte a współczesna sztuka sakralna. Problem właściwej organizacji przestrzeni kultu liturgicznego w ustawodawstwie kościelnym po Soborze Watykańskim II
    Ćwikliński, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
    The understanding and organization of a place of religious cult in the Catholic Church has evolved over time. With respect for the centuries-old tradition of the Church, as well as considering local culture and local liturgical rites, existing law regarding sacred places has been constituted. The above analysis presents two areas in regard to the process of reforming sacred space – organization and legibility of ceremony, and emphasizing beauty which is a constitutive element of the liturgy. Regardless of official guidelines, buildings of low artistic value, and those that are inappropriate or unsuitable for celebrating liturgy and other holy rites are still being built. This phenomenon is influenced by a number of factors, primarily the lack of architects who have sufficient knowledge of canon law, inadequate supervision of persons responsible for religious art over determining best projects and their realisation, and the lack of funding available for building places of cult having impressive artistic value.
  • Miniatura
    „Próżne nam były Kasandry wołania”. O wybranych inspiracjach antykiem w twórczości Wincentego Korab-Brzozowskiego
    Borek, Bartłomiej (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)
    The article on the presence of ancient inspirations in the writings by Wincenty Korab-Brzozowski’s focuses on recalling mythical figures in his poetry, prose and paraphrases of this author. The analysis of selected works proceeded with the use of a comparative method – a juxtaposition of Young Poland’s works with ancient applications, which became patterns for the poet. The interpretations made indicated alike faithful use of the texts of the old masters, and attempts to transform these narratives, when the poet was interested in passing on the content important to him.