Promocja aksjologicznej pozycji osoby ludzkiej i wspólnoty rodzinnej w niektórych dziełach kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


In the present contribution the author brings Cardinal Wyszyński ’s though on the axiological rank of human person and family fellowship closer to mind. In his analysis the author makes reference to those works in which the Primate distinctly promotes these subjects, i.e. person and family. The Primate of Poland, as the Great Educator of the Nation, brought to light the ontic (natural and supernatural) rank of human person, his or her primacy and dignity in the hierarchy of values, his or her attributes of greatness, as well as his or her personal rights. In Primate’s kerygma we find an outline of theological anthropology which justifies the objective sense of moral order, invariability of principles and normative function of conscience in every domain of life. It is in the Christian formation of personality based on the acceptance of the finite ideal (God, Christ, “transcendent humanism”) and in using means of integral upbringing that he sees countering contemporary threats to morality. The freeing of human person comes about through the Holy Trinity that acts within his or her mind; human person is defended within the framework of the Christian testimony of love. In dealing with the problems of family, the Primate of Poland brought to mind the primacy of family in social and national life. Home family, in his teaching, is elevated to the rank of the reason of State, it is “to be or not to be” of the nation. Its principal task is to give and defend human life and to combat all threats that get in the way. A father should be aware of his vocation to be responsible for his family before the nation and Church. The greatness of a mother along with her vocation for maternity and upbringing requires protection, support and esteem. The freeing of woman does not depend on aberrant feminism, but on granting her equal and particular position within a family. The youth and children in the Primate’s teaching constitute a factor and condition of the nation’s future. The youth tend to truth, freedom, justice, love and peace. They should be granted with opportunities for personal development, warned against the threats of contemporary secularization and moral relativity, they should be trained to take responsibility for their personal and social life. Child is a fundament of the nation's future. Being a God’s gift it rises to the rank of a symbol of life. That is why it has a right to live from its conception, and the attitude to a child is a criterium of moral health of the society.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

aksjologia, osoba ludzka, osoba, wspólnota, wspólnota rodzinna, rodzina, twórczość Stefana Wyszyńskiego, personalizm, aksjologiczna pozycja osoby ludzkiej, aksjologiczna pozycja wspólnoty rodzinnej, axiology, human person, person, community, family community, family, work of Stefan Wyszyński, personalism, axiological position of human person, axiological position of family community, Stefan Wyszyński, kardynałowie, cardinals, prymasi, Primates, prymas Polski, Primate of Poland


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 3, s. 83-103.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland