Dialog z penitentem
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
In the last decade researches into confession were carried out in upper Silesia. The answers of 230 men and 230 women were carefully analysed. The average age of respondents was about 35. Two thirds were within 23—46 years old. Half of them had secondary education, one fourth had university education. The examined people completed Attitude to Confession Scale that was prepared on the basis of earlier introductory researches carried out among penitents and confessors. This scale allowed to separate two groups of 68 people each, which show extreme attitudes towards confession, namely people with a strong positive attitude towards confession and people with a weak attitude. The more positive attitude towards confession, the greater desire of the penitent to talk to the confessor. Such penitents like confessors whom they can talk to. Penitents with a weak attitude towards confession want only to confess their sins and receive absolution and they think that no conversation during confession is needed. Penitents with a positive attitude towards confession state more often that a confession should be a friendly conversation, paying the attention to the good that is in every man. They share their experiences with confessors and even their difficulties not directly related with the confessed sins. They had one confessor for a long time whom they regarded as a friend. Penitents with a positive attitude towards confession say hat they would like to receive a concrete form of penance that would force them to make some effort. Penance should not be schematic but adapted to the concrete case. Penitents with a weak attitude towards confession say that they lack a real contact with a confessor because of lack of time, understanding and interest on the part of the confessor.
Słowa kluczowe
spowiedź, dialog, spowiednicy, badania, badania ankietowe, ankieta, duszpasterstwo, opieka duszpasterska, rozmowa duszpasterska, penitent, pokuta, sakramenty, monolog, rozmowa, confession, dialogue, confessors, research, survey research, questionnaire, ministry, pastoral care, pastoral conversation, penance, sacraments, monologue, conversation
Analecta Cracoviensia, 1996, T. 28, s. 283-298.
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