Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie
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Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie są periodykiem wydawanym od 2009 r. przez Instytut Nauk o Rodzinie i Pracy Socjalnej Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Do 2013 r. wydawane były pod tytułem „Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie”, natomiast od 2014 r. nastąpił powrót do pierwotnej koncepcji wydawania zeszytów poszczególnych dziedzin w ramach „Roczników Teologicznych”. Aktualnie czasopismo stanowi 10. zeszyt „Roczników Teologicznych”, zachowało jednak ciągłą numerację. Publikowane w nim artykuły mają charakter interdyscyplinarny i ukazują zagadnienie małżeństwa i rodziny z wielu perspektyw badawczych, takich jak: teologia, socjologia, psychologia, prawo, praca socjalna.
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Pozycja 25-lecie Archidiecezjalnego Studium Życia Rodzinnego. Lublin, 15 listopada 2008 rokuDudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Pozycja Badania postaw Polaków wobec moralności małżeńsko-rodzinnejDudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Marital and parental love, as significant values both for particular individuals and for the whole society, require special protection. It is ensured by moral norms, and especially by: premarital chastity, marital fidelity, indissolubility of marriage, and parental responsibility connected with opposition to abortion and contraception. In numerous studies devoted to the attitudes towards marital-familial morality it turns out, however, that a considerable part of the respondents do not accept these norms. This is significant information for pastoral theologians, educationalists, family life counselors and pastors, because the efficiency of the efforts they make requires a diagnosis of the reality they encounter. And the diagnosis, as appears from the empirical research, should incline one not only to make careful educational, but also prophylactic, preventive and re-educational efforts.Pozycja Miłość i odpowiedzialność przejawem zdrowia człowieka i rodziny. Wskazania prekoncepcyjne, pre- i postnatalneDudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Ensuring a man’s health and fulfillment in the proper way requires surrounding him with love. Responsible care for the offspring should go before the conception, should accompany it in the prenatal period and be present at the further stages of its development. The attitude of planning the family is an expression of such care; the planning should aim at conceiving each child in the most favorable time; the child should be longed-for and loved from the beginning. True love not only does not harm anybody (cf. Rom 13, 10), but protects against any pathology, and cures the inflicted wounds. Expressing love in an adequate way requires learning proper ways to communicate it. Love and responsibility condition man’s sound development and are a manifestation of mature attitudes, as they result from the basic imperative inscribed in human nature by God (DCE 31). Such attitudes also constitute a necessary condition for a proper family to exist. A human person’s dignity obliges one to assume proper attitudes towards everyone, and the features that are inscribed in the fact that one is a human being make it possible to undertake responsible acts resulting from authentic love. The need of such acts and the tasks connected with this need should be realized especially by people who are being prepared for contracting marriage and for parenthood, so that every human being coming to this world could be surrounded with responsible care on the side of his parents.Pozycja Moralność seksualna w nauczaniu Kościoła katolickiegoDudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Human sexuality is a value of exceptional importance both for particular individuals and society as a whole. Therefore it calls for protection. This protection consists of moral norms that the Catholic Church has clearly and unambiguously exposed in her documents. The mass media, however, advocate permissivism and moral liberalism, materialism, hedonism, and consumerism. They may confuse their recipients with regard to valid norms of sexual behaviour. Approving that man will not be truly happy if he rejects the laws written in his nature by God (HV 31), and assuming responsibility for one’s own development and formation of the young generation, we should state that it is extremely needed to remind people of teaching in the sphere of sexual morality. It contains especially hints on premarital chastity, marital faithfulness, and indissolubility of marriage.Pozycja Postawy młodzieży licealnej wobec moralności małżeńsko-rodzinnej. Synteza oceniająca z badań empirycznych i postulaty pastoralneDudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Care for the good of marriage and family requires complying with moral norms regulating sexual and procreative behaviors. Review studies of students attending the third class of secondary school conducted in 1992, 2000, 2003 and 2007 show that only prohibition of marital unfaithfulness is accepted by a majority of young people. In 2000 more than half of all the respondents accepted the ban on abortion. Towards the remaining norms the young people showed more or less disacceptance. In 2007 only 3% of catechized Catholics approved of the prohibition of using contraceptives, 6% of students were in favor of a ban on premarital sex, and a ban on divorces was accepted by 11% of the reviewed young people. The incompatibility of the moral attitudes with the teaching of the Church requires undertaking prophylactic-remedying actions. The present article contains numerous pastoral postulates whose fulfillment may contribute to the proper moral formation of the young generation.Pozycja Społeczne uwarunkowania postaw wobec macierzyństwa w XX i początkach XXI wiekuDudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)Maternity is a social role, as it supplies new members of the society and it involves a lot of people when it is being realized. Accepting the child is a great event for the whole family, but it is also significant for the society. The society also has a significant influence on forming the attitudes towards maternity. It happens not only through the educational process in the family, Church or school, but also through the information that is transmitted by the mass media, through legislature, politics and economy. Demographic problems imply serious economic consequences connected with maintaining the aging society. However, one of the factors that have a negative influence on the decision of giving birth to children is a lack of support from the family in realizing the procreative function. Poland that has one of the lowest Total Fertility Rates in European countries is numbered among these EU countries that allot the least money for children. For forming attitudes towards maternity the following phenomena are not unimportant: a critical attitude towards families with many children stereotypically considered as pathological, promoting contraception, making efforts to liberalize the abortion law, reducing man to a laboratory problem by fertilization in vitro. More social responsibility is necessary for forming proper attitudes towards maternity and preparing the conditions for its decent realization.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z Konferencji Polonijnych Doradców Życia Rodzinnego. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 24-25 marca 2011 rokuDudziak, Urszula; Orłowski, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Sprawozdanie z sympozjum „Dar życia w trosce o odpowiedzialność w przekazywaniu życia”. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 19 marca 2011 rokuJeziorska, Agnieszka; Dudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)