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Pozycja Bezpośrednie skutki pierwszego grzechuAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2010)Results of fall first parents describes in Gen 3, 7-13 are by them felling immediately after cross God’s ban. Direct order of the sin was degradation of human. It showed in symbolic way in vision cover own nudity. People after sin start feeling shame and fear. First people want to hide by the God because they haven’t inside harmony. Voice of dirtily conscience is saying after certain time. It has happen change of mutual report. Feeling fear making desire put responsibility for a sin away.Pozycja Biblijno-teologiczna perspektywa seksualności człowiekaAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2007)Pozycja Biblijno-teologiczne podstawy życia w prawdzieAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2004)God, the Giver of the Commandments, is the source of all the truth. Living in the truth is closely connected with the Eighth Commandment of the Decalogue. God is veracious and He calls us to live in the truth. God’s truth was fully revealed in Jesus Christ. It is him who instructs the disciples that they should unconditionally love the truth (cf. Matt. 5,37). A disciple of Jesus lives with His teachings and persists in them. Man created by God by his nature heads towards the truth. He is morally obliged to search for the truth, and having found it – to persist with it and to live according to its requirements. The truth is an issue that has a fundamental significance for the life of each man. Veracity is a virtue, righteousness in one’s words and behaviour. One should beware of hypocrisy and duplicity. In one’s life he should be faithful to God – the Truth. Searching for the truth also concerns the relations between people. Communicating the truth is the basis of trust. This also leads to discretion. One man should communicate the truth to another one. However, it should be remembered that “veracity keeps the golden mean between what should be revealed and the things that should remain secret” A veracious man cannot ruthlessly manipulate the truth. Living in the truth is a duty of each of Christ’ disciples. It is a moral imperative to open oneself to God and to unite with the One who is the Truth. In this way Christians are obliged to build the civilization of the truth.Pozycja Budowanie jedności w różnorodności – w świetle adhortacji apostolskiej Benedykta XVI „Ecclesia in Medio Oriente”Adamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)This article concerns the topicality of the message of the apostolic exhortation of Benedict XVI Ecclesia in Medio Oriente regarding the issue of socialreligious nature on building unity in diversity. Unity is being built through actions about inner and external peace and justice in love and mutual respect, whose source is Jesus Christ. It is necessary for the credibility of the testimony of communion of Christʼs disciples, obliging for constant conversion, formation and life consequences.Pozycja Budowanie wspólnoty Chrystusowego Kościoła – w świetle adhortacji apostolskiej Jana Pawła II Ecclesia in OceaniaAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2017)Artykuł dotyczy aktualności przesłania posynodalnej adhortacji apostolskiej Jana Pawła II Ecclesia in Oceania. Owo przesłanie odnośnie do zagadnienia budowania wspólnoty Chrystusowego Kościoła oparte jest na rozumieniu Kościoła jako wspólnoty wierzących w Jezusa Chrystusa, który pozostaje sensem Ewangelii oraz ewangelizacji. Tylko w tej perspektywie możliwe jest zrozumienie Kościoła przez ludy Oceanii, w jej pluralizmie doświadczeń duchowych i kulturowych. Konieczne jest do tego tworzenie wspólnoty między Kościołami lokalnymi nie tylko w wymiarze teoretycznym i doktrynalnym, ale również praktycznym.Pozycja Chrześcijańska postawa wobec mysterium mortis jako źródła niepokoju i nadzieiAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2006)Pozycja Dyskrecja i tajemnica wyrazem szacunku dla prawdyAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2005)Pozycja Etos nauczyciela w kontekście jego powołania na podstawie traktatu „De magistro” świętego Tomasza z AkwinuAdamczyk, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2013)St. Thomas Aquinas in treaty De Magistro is considering the essence of teacher’s life and activity. The true teacher can be only the God – because He is the Giver of truth. The human can be only the teacher which is support and ancillary, he is supporting natural senses serving another human and the God. He is considering the matter to discover the truth and showing students results of his investigation what is work of mercy. It is based on his responsibility. It is responsibility for truth to the student and the God. Efficiency of this progress of teaching demands student involvement.Pozycja Grzechy Izraela w okresie sędziówAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2011)Israelites forgot about the God and allowed infidelity to Him in period of judges. The infidelity manifest as sin of idolatry and request of having king of the earth too. Dismiss from Yahweh and idolatry of Israel has usually finished misfortune of perdition separateness of nation. Foreign cults destroy Israel, which is forced to own separateness and keep identity by this nation, which gods had been asked. These nations impose punish to Israel from the will of Yahweh. The God is using sinful people to your own saving plans, which after conversion nation to Yahweh, refer victory over enemy. Israelites in period of judges realize to, that their existence in promised land is possible only keeping fidelity to Yahweh.Pozycja Historiozbawcza perspektywa grzechów narodu wybranego w okresie podzielonego królestwa (na podstawie 1-2 Krl i 1-2 Krn)Adamczyk, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2011)After the division of the kingdom into northern and southern states God was not worshiped in legitimate temple in the Israel kingdom but in sanctuaries of golden calf in the towns of Betel and Dan. The illegal cult also spread throughout the Judah kingdom as victims were sacrificed on hills and not in a temple. Those pagan cults were practiced in both kingdoms. Even kings, who were superiors of the cult, set a bad example in this regard. The significant sin was more confidence to external signs of the cult than a moral procedure line in accordance with Yahweh’s law in this period. According to 1-2 Kings and 1-2 Chronicles, the sinful behavior of chosen nation brought, at first on Israel and next on Judah, a cleansing punishment of displacement and slavery.Pozycja Idea mesjanizmu w Starym TestamencieAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2009)Pozycja Jezus obiecanym Mesjaszem w świetle Ewangelii według św. MateuszaAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2006)Pozycja Ks. Marek Jagodziński (red.), Perspektywy wiary, Wydawnictwo Diecezji Radomskiej Ave, Radom 2015, ss. 286.Adamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2018)Recenzja dotyczy pracy zbiorowej pod tytułem Perspektywy wiary. Redaktorem jest ksiądz Marek Jagodziński. Publikacja ukazała się w Wydawnictwie Diecezji Radomskiej AVE. Zawarte jest w niej osiem artykułów, dotyczących aktualnych kwestii związanych z wiarą, inspirujących do pogłębiania jej istoty w warunkach współczesności oraz refleksji nad postawą chrześcijanina w zlaicyzowanym świecie.Pozycja M. Jagodziński, J. Wojtkun (red.), Kościół wobec wyzwań współczesnych, Wydawnictwo Diecezji Radomskiej AVE, Radom 2015, ss. 247.Adamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)Pozycja Napiętnowanie niewierności i obłudy narodu wybranego przez proroków okresu asyryjskiego w państwie południowymAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2011)Prophets of Assyrian period in south nation stigmatize infidelity of the chosen nation, pride, sins of leaders and hypocrisy and deviation of cultural practices. Sins of leaders of Israel especially aim in social order. Prophets of VIII century before Christ criticize celebrated cult by these, who say that during victims, pilgrimages, or external prayer can enter into direct relationship with the God. Meanwhile the way access to the God is listen his words and perform his will, what should be reflected in social relations and in practice of justice and mercy. The minor thing of prophets irritation is attitude and behavior holding the cult. Prophets show that sins of the chosen nation will bring God’s punishment and irreversible judgment day. The nation can gain forgiveness, so prophets invoke Israelites to conversion.Pozycja Obraz wyroku na węża na podstawie Rdz 3,14-15Adamczyk, Dariusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie UPJPII w Krakowie, 2010)Judgment on a snake from Gen 3,14-15 consist of two parts. Course from 14. verse is like deep humiliation and defeat. The God is announcing conquest and humiliation of the snake, which is personification of diabolical power. The tempter has punished for inducing human to break God’s prohibition. In the second part of the judgment (verse 15) the God “put enmity” between the Satan and every man, which finally bring on the Satan totally defeat. Human’s life will be marked still fight with the tempter. Announced promise victory of human is in person of Jesus Christ, which will free humanity from the power of Satan.Pozycja Oczyszczenie ludu Bożego z grzechów w świetle Listu do HebrajczykówAdamczyk, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2012)According to Hebrews purification of people of God from sins was made in excellent degree by Jesus Christ, who is shown like a originator of eternal salvation in prospect of Old Covenant in fight with sin. In this way in expiatory sacrifice like sacrifice of New Covenant is contained realization of Old Testament promise of put away all sins all over the world. Single and unique sacrifice of Jesus Christ effectively and definitively replaces all sacrifices from Old Testament. Still exists danger of committing the sin and off from her saving effects, what in prospect of New Covenant causes tragic consequences.Pozycja Postać węża w opowiadaniu z Rdz 3Adamczyk, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2010)W opowiadaniu z Rdz 3 występuje tajemnicza postać węża. Autor ukazuje jego kusicielską działalność. Wąż chytrze akcentuje Boży zakaz oraz zaprzecza podanym przez Boga konsekwencjom złamania tego zakazu. Zwodzicielska siła przebiegłego węża sprawia, że pierwsi rodzice popełniają grzech. Wąż okazuje się przyczyną wszelkiego zła. Zostaje on ukarany przez Boga i upokorzony. Bóg zapowiada również, że ten sprawca wszelkiego zła zostanie ostatecznie i definitywnie zwyciężony.Pozycja Prawda o stworzeniu w świetle Katechizmu Kościoła KatolickiegoAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2010)God is the creator of everything. Firstly it wasn’t anything except the God. He took out the world creative power from nothing. Creation ex nihilo isn’t any conversion of nothing, that could be material of existence. World coming from creative Gods word. Creation from nothing is showing on sole causality God’s working, that making to existence whole creation. The God is transcendent to world, and at a time He is present in the world. He has created the world for his glory, to showed it and gave it. Motive of creation is goodness, love and freedom of the God. Creation of the world by the God was act of mind. Wisdom of the God is present in orderly world. The God could be met from creative masterpieces. Everything what exist, its keeping by the God. He is flashing order to everyone. Its making duration all nature. World is totally depend from the God in every single moment of his existence. Creation cannot limit only to activation from nothing. You should understand this like during in history of universe. Its direct to personal of the God.Pozycja Przesłanie dotyczące problematyki grzechu w Księdze PsalmówAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Psalmists stigmatize attitude of the godless. They are showing their in contrast with cautious. They pay attention on sinful attitude several persons and sins of all Israel. They see good fortune of sinners but they see their tragic end too. They exhort people to reflection. They indicate that sources of every evil is pride. The pride serious endangers for religious attitude of human. Every single human sinned. Human has been presented like tempted to sin since outset of human existence. Psalmists say that people have to admit that they sinned and ask for forgiveness. Sinner ought to hope in the God and still ask for the God about his inner renewal.